A woman worker collecting reeds in a field, in Lebanon
© ILO/ Elisa Oddone/ Lebanon/ October 2023

Lebanon has been an ILO member state since 1948 and has ratified 50 ILO Conventions, including seven fundamental Conventions. Lebanon’s capital Beirut is home to the ILO Regional Office for the Arab States (ROAS), where it has been located since 1976. Political developments since 2007 have precluded the development of a Decent Work Country Programme. Due to the onset Syrian refugee crisis began in 2011, the country now plays host to the largest number of refugees per capita in the world. Since the ILO ROAS opened its doors in Lebanon the agency has worked with its tripartite to develop programmes to counter the effects of the Syrian and Palestinian refugee crises, combat child labour, govern migrant labour, enhance social dialogue as well as reform labour governance and social protection in the country.

Latest news and stories

Empowering Women in Lebanon's Industrial Sector
A man and three women sit at a panel discussion in Lebanon

Empowering Women in Lebanon's Industrial Sector

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development
Group of participants at a conference

EIIP regional workshop

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development

Projects and programmes

Empowering Networks and Activation for Building Long-term Employment (ENABLE)

Empowering Networks and Activation for Building Long-term Employment (ENABLE)

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region

Social Protection

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region


Investment and Employment

METI Programme

Investment and Employment


Lebanon: Regulatory framework governing migrant workers

Lebanon: Regulatory framework governing migrant workers

Preliminary Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health in the Agriculture Sector in Lebanon

Preliminary Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health in the Agriculture Sector in Lebanon

Picture of a book case.
All resources

All resources

Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Lebanon and filter by topic or sector.

Work with us


Joumana Karame

Programme Analyst
Regional Programme Services for Lebanon

ILO activities in Lebanon are coordinated by the ILO in the Arab States Office, based in Beirut.

Aresco Centre - Justinien Street - Kantari
P.O.Box 11-4088 Riad Solh 1107-2150
Beirut – Lebanon

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