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Investment and Employment
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METI Programme

Investment and Employment

2nd Regional Technical Training of the Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment programme

Webinar: Dynamics of paid and unpaid domestic work in urban India
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Webinar: Dynamics of paid and unpaid domestic work in urban India

Webinar on the Dynamics of Paid and Unpaid Domestic Work in India – presentation of key findings of an ILO-IIHS study of employers in Bengaluru and Chennai followed by Q&A.

Webinar: Report presentation and discussion on “Understanding patterns of structural discrimination of migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia”.
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Webinar: Report presentation and discussion on “Understanding patterns of structural discrimination of migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia”.

The webinar will be a presentation of a recently released background paper titled “Understanding patterns of structural discrimination of migrant and other workers in some countries of South and West Asia” by the authors; Igor Bosc, Jens Lerche, Alpa Shah, Miranda Fajerman and Neha Wadhawan followed by a Q&A discussion. The opening remarks will be delivered by Philippe Vanhuynegem, Branch Chief, Fundamentals, ILO Geneva.

Stakeholder meeting on ‘What works and does not work in reducing vulnerability to forced labour and human trafficking of migrant women workers?’
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Stakeholder meeting on ‘What works and does not work in reducing vulnerability to forced labour and human trafficking of migrant women workers?’

A hybrid stakeholder meeting to share Lessons Learned by the ILO’s Work in Freedom Programme (2012-2022)

Regional technical training on trade and employment for specialists from Southern Mediterranean countries
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METI Programme

Regional technical training on trade and employment for specialists from Southern Mediterranean countries

Human resource development in the financial inclusion sector: Supporting managers in their HRD role
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Human resource development in the financial inclusion sector: Supporting managers in their HRD role

The e-MFP Human Resources Action Group and the ILO’s Social Finance Programme organized a webinar series on human resource development (HRD) in the financial inclusion sector in 2022. Throughout the series we shared the results of the Action Group’s 2021 survey on HRD practices and discussed different topics with microfinance practitioners: aligning HRD and business strategy, supporting managers in their HRD role and equal opportunities for women.

Unpacking concepts of freedom and unfreedom in the world of work
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Unpacking concepts of freedom and unfreedom in the world of work

A series of special lectures and panel discussions presented by Work in Freedom programme.

Wage Protection System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Wage Protection System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A webinar will discuss the Wage Protection System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and increase participants’ awareness of its benefits to workers, employers, the economy and society.

Launch of the report “Assessing Informality and Vulnerability among Disadvantaged Groups in Lebanon: A Survey of Lebanese, and Syrian and Palestinian Refugees”
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Launch of the report “Assessing Informality and Vulnerability among Disadvantaged Groups in Lebanon: A Survey of Lebanese, and Syrian and Palestinian Refugees”

ILO and key stakeholders review and validate new reports on Lebanon’s TVET system
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ILO and key stakeholders review and validate new reports on Lebanon’s TVET system

The reports on the accreditation of private skills training providers and on testing and certification practices will contribute to strengthening the governance of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training system in the country.

Market-based livelihoods interventions for refugees and host communities
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Market-based livelihoods interventions for refugees and host communities

This training course supports practitioners working with refugee communities in the design of livelihood interventions based on a solid understanding of market trends and demand. It applies the "Making markets work for the poor" (M4P) approach and draws upon the experiences and lessons learnt from joint UNHCR-ILO pilot projects that have tested the added value of market assessments and value-chain analyses in promoting the livelihoods of refugees in different countries.

Employment, resilience and social cohesion: Success stories and challenges of labour market access for refugees and host communities
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Supporting the future of Syria and the region

Employment, resilience and social cohesion: Success stories and challenges of labour market access for refugees and host communities

The ILO, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the Netherlands' Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and UNICEF are organizing a side event to the fifth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the future of Syria and the region,” hosted by the European Union.

The nexus between livelihoods, protection and women’s empowerment – Syrian refugees
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5th Brussels Conference - Side event

The nexus between livelihoods, protection and women’s empowerment – Syrian refugees

A side event to the 5th Brussels Conference, organised by UN Women, ILO and UNHCR examined how international and national partners are working to support the empowerment of Syrian refugee women across the region, focusing on their access to decent work & livelihoods, safety and well-being.

Access to decent work for refugees and other forcibly displaced persons
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Access to decent work for refugees and other forcibly displaced persons

The course aims to strengthen the capacities of policy-makers and practitioners in adopting measures to facilitate the access of refugees and other forcibly displaced persons to the labour market, and in promoting inclusive employment strategies and policies.

Annual tripartite progress review of India Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2018-22
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Annual tripartite progress review of India Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2018-22

An annual review meeting of India DWCP was held to review the progress and plan a way forward for year 2021

South-South and Triangular Cooperation Skills Forum
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Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA)

South-South and Triangular Cooperation Skills Forum

The event aims to address the discussion on skills development with a focus on job rich sectors. It seeks to promote the ILO Centenary Declaration with a strong focus on Skills development, through peer learning between Middle Eastern and North African constituents – at national and sector levels.

FAIRWAY hosts webinar for Jordanian journalists on reducing discrimination and promoting positive perception of migrants in the context of COVID-19
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Labour migration

FAIRWAY hosts webinar for Jordanian journalists on reducing discrimination and promoting positive perception of migrants in the context of COVID-19

The webinar focused on the importance of the role of the media in promoting a balanced public understanding of migration, and rights-based language and reporting styles when reporting on migrant workers. The event is part of a broader FAIRWAY Programme strategy to tackle discrimination against migrants, including through innovative social media campaigns.

ILO holds a coaching and facilitation workshop for business consultants supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Lebanon’s agriculture sector
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ILO holds a coaching and facilitation workshop for business consultants supporting small and medium-sized businesses in Lebanon’s agriculture sector

The training workshop focuses on coaching and facilitation techniques for trainers helping struggling businesses improve their business continuity, resilience and decent job retention.

Youth at Heart Virtual Forum 2020: ILO's session on decent jobs for youth
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Youth at Heart Virtual Forum 2020: ILO's session on decent jobs for youth

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set up the Youth at Heart virtual forum to address the issues affecting youth around the world. This session will feature an interactive conversation with young people about solutions, including youth-led, to the challenges posed by COVID-19 on themselves and their peers.

COVID-19: The multiple and protracted crises impacting labour markets in Arab States- A regional initiative (Event)
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COVID-19: The multiple and protracted crises impacting labour markets in Arab States- A regional initiative (Event)

A virtual event, bringing together international development and humanitarian partners and regional tripartite constituents, will discuss findings of assessments on the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable workers and enterprises in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq.