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EIIP regional workshop

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development

7 March 2024

Jordan - The Employment-Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) held a successful regional workshop in Jordan from 27 to 29 February 2024. The workshop brought together participants from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Yemen, and Lebanon, along with technical specialists from the International Labour Organization (ILO) regional office and Geneva.

The three-day event served as a platform for participants to share success stories, lessons learned, and discuss the road map and future strategies for EIIP in the coming years. Through engaging discussions and interactive sessions, participants explored various approaches to employment-intensive interventions and their impact on sustainable development in the Arab States region.

One of the highlights of the workshop was the opportunity for participants to embark on site visits to witness first hand the implementation modalities of various EIIP projects. The visits included an afforestation site in Al Koura Irbid, a heritage site in Um Qais, and the Municipal Services and Social Resilience Project (MSSRP) in Madaba. These site visits provided valuable insights into the practical implementation of EIIP projects and showcased the tangible impact of employment-intensive interventions on the ground.

Throughout the workshop, participants exchanged best practices, innovative approaches, and lessons learned from their respective countries, contributing to a rich and collaborative learning environment. Technical specialists from the ILO regional office and Geneva provided valuable insights and guidance, further enhancing the discussions and ensuring alignment with international best practices and contributions to global frameworks.

Maha Katta, Sr Resilience/Crisis Response Specialist & ILO Iraq Country Coordinator, confirmed that "The EIIP workshop provided a valuable platform for sharing experiences and exploring new opportunities for collaboration. By coming together, we have strengthened our collective efforts towards promoting sustainable development and inclusive growth in our region."

Looking ahead, the workshop outcomes will inform the development of a comprehensive road map and strategies for the EIIP in the Arab States region in the coming years, with a focus on maximizing impact, enhancing sustainability, and fostering inclusive growth.

Mito Tsukamoto, Branch Chief of Employment in Investments (EMPINVEST) stressed that there are at least three things that distinguish the EIIP from other labour-based programmes globally: 1) its strong collaboration with local and national counterparts with the aim to transfer ownership and technical knowledge; 2) its foundation on international labour standards; and 3) its contribution to work-based learning to strengthen capacity and national curricula development.

The Employment-Intensive regional workshop underscores the commitment of participating countries and the ILO to advancing sustainable development through employment-intensive interventions. By leveraging the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing, EIIP aims to create lasting positive change and improve livelihoods for communities across the region.

About Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP)

The Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) is an initiative of the International Labour Organization (ILO) that promotes sustainable development through employment-intensive interventions. EIIP projects focus on creating decent employment opportunities, enhancing infrastructure development, and fostering inclusive growth in countries around the world. By leveraging labour-intensive approaches, EIIP projects contribute to poverty reduction, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

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