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Rights and permissions

Copyright © International Labour Organization

Open Access policy

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has implemented an Open Access policy that will make the use of all its knowledge products easier. The ILO Open Access policy supports the fundamental ethic that results of publicly funded research or work should be made available to the public to use, with the goal of increasing accessibility, visibility and impact.

All ILO knowledge products published on or after 3 May 2023 by the ILO or on its behalf will be available for use or reuse without needing to request permission – as long as the ILO is cited as the source of material. The policy also covers all materials published or made available by the ILO ranging from reports and publications to videos and datasets. Full details below.


Published as of 3 May 2023

As of 3 May 2023, unless otherwise indicated, ILO publications are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 licence (CC BY 4.0). This Creative Commons licence permits the reproduction, distribution and adaptation (including translation) of work for any purposes, as long as credit is given to the respective author/creator, in this case, the ILO.

As ILO publications, including co-publications, may be made available under a different Creative Commons licence, it is essential that users check the copyright page of each work for exact licence information.

Published prior to 3 May 2023

ILO publications produced prior to 3 May 2023 do not automatically benefit from a Creative Commons licence. It is essential that users check the copyright page of each work for exact licence information.

Translations and adaptations

Publications produced as of 3 May 2023

For ILO publications produced as of 3 May 2023 that carry a CC-BY 4.0 licence, a formal permission requesting to translate or adapt the work is no longer necessary. However, the following language must be prominently placed at the opening of the translated or adapted work:

  • For a translation: This is a translation of a copyrighted work of the International Labour Organization (ILO). This translation has not been prepared, reviewed or endorsed by the ILO and should not be considered an official ILO translation. The ILO disclaims all responsibility for its content and accuracy. Responsibility rests solely with the author or authors of the translation.
  • For an adaptation: This is an adaptation of a copyrighted work of the International Labour Organization (ILO). This adaptation has not been prepared, reviewed or endorsed by the ILO and should not be considered an official ILO adaptation. The ILO disclaims all responsibility for its content and accuracy. Responsibility rests solely with the author or authors of the adaptation.


Publications produced before 3 May 2023


For ILO publications produced before 3 May 2023, requests for permission to reproduce, translate or adapt must be obtained from the ILO by submitting a request to rights@ilo.org with the following minimum information:

  • Your full name and mailing address
  • Name and details of the publisher or organization publishing the ILO content
  • URL or full bibliographic details of the ILO publication or content you wish to reproduce/translate/adapt
  • Language of translation or details and context of foreseen adaptations
  • Information on how your work will be distributed (e.g. free of charge, sale)
  • Requested format (e.g. print, digital)

We will reply to your request within 10 working days.

Use of the emblem (logo) of the ILO is not permitted in connection with either translations or adaptations.


Published as of 3 May 2023

As of 3 May 2023, databases and datasets together with the accompanying referential metadata are covered by the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence. This licence does not apply to microdata submitted by or obtained from constituents and partner institutions that is restricted solely to the ILO’s use. To explore ILO data and statistical tools, please visit ILOSTAT.

Published before 3 May 2023

Databases and datasets together with the accompanying referential metadata produced prior to 3 May 2023 do not automatically benefit from a Creative Commons licence. It is essential that users check the copyright page of each work for exact licence information.


To request permission on how to use ILO photos, please follow the licensing instructions published on the platform where the photo is hosted. Most of ILO photos are accessible through the ILO Flickr account.

Logo and emblem

The name and emblem (logo) of the International Labour Organization are legally protected and may not be used without express written permission, which will only be granted when appropriate and in extremely limited circumstances. Requests for permission to reproduce must be obtained from the ILO by submitting a request to brand@ilo.org with the following minimum information:

  • Your full name, mailing address and email address
  • Name and details of the publisher or organization
  • Language and context of foreseen use
  • Information on how your work will be distributed (e.g. free of charge, sale)
  • Proposed period of use
  • Requested format (e.g. print, digital)
  • Purpose for the request (e.g. whether it is for educational or other similar purposes)
  • Confirmation that if permission to reproduce the emblem is granted, it will only be displayed in a neutral manner.

Permission where granted does not imply any sponsorship or endorsement by the ILO.

Audio and video productions

ILO audio and video productions are subject to the Creative Commons CC BY-ND 4.0 licence. Users may share ILO audio and video files without needing to request permission as long as the files are passed along unchanged and in whole, as detailed in the License. The ILO must be cited as the owner of the original material. Any translation or adaptation of the original material requires the written authorization of the ILO.

ILO b-rolls and international versions of ILO audio and video productions are subject to the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 licence. Users may share and remix ILO audio and video files without needing to request permission – as long as the ILO is cited as the source of material.

In no circumstances may ILO audio and video files be used for a purpose contrary to the objectives of the ILO or in a manner which does not respect human dignity.

Third party rights

ILO publications and documents may contain components (e.g. text, graphics, tables, illustrations) where the ILO does not hold copyright. Users wishing to reuse third-party material contained in an ILO publication are responsible for determining whether permission is needed for its reuse and for obtaining permission from the original copyright holder. The risk of claims resulting from infringement of any third party-owned component in the work rests solely with the user.

Links to other websites

Hyperlinks to other websites imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the information contained in those other websites on the part of the ILO.

Public information materials

Press releases and press kit material from the ILO website may be reproduced freely. Kindly cite the ILO as the original source.