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Empowering Networks and Activation for Building Long-term Employment (ENABLE)
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Empowering Networks and Activation for Building Long-term Employment (ENABLE)

The programme, funded by the European Union (EU), focuses on providing livelihoods opportunities to enhance the economic capacity of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities residing in targeted areas in Lebanon. It will provide integrated employment services and short‐term employment opportunities in infrastructure construction/rehabilitation projects, while increasing linkages between social protection and employment activation.

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region
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Social Protection

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region

Creating space for dialogue between agencies and governments in the Middle East and North Africa is critical to identify options for the expansion of social protection for agricultural workers in the region.

SKILL-UP Lebanon – Phase II
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SKILL-UP Lebanon – Phase II

The Lebanon component builds on ILO Lebanon’s strategy for skills interventions, which aims to improve the match between skills supply and market demand with a complete package of support, from labour market analysis, a competency-based approach to training, upgrading of skills through training, career orientation and post-training employment support.

Implementation of the GHS, preventing chemical accidents, and strengthening occupational safety and health: A joint project from ILO and UNITAR
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Implementation of the GHS, preventing chemical accidents, and strengthening occupational safety and health: A joint project from ILO and UNITAR

Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean
International trade Port at Oakland, California 2016

METI Project

Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean

Productive Sector Development Programme (PSDP)
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Productive Sector Development Programme (PSDP)

A joint UN programme with ILO, UNIDO, FAO, UNDP, UN WOMEN, and UNICEF. Funded by The Government of Canada through the Lebanon Recovery Fund, this programme's objective is to create gender-responsive jobs and economic opportunities in the agriculture and agro-food sectors, prioritizing women and female youth in the most disadvantaged areas of Lebanon.

The FAIRWAY Programme
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The FAIRWAY Programme

© Photo: Leila Alaoui / ILO, Design: Alexandros Chatzipanagiotou / ILO The FAIRWAY programme addresses underlying causes of decent work deficits at their source through national-level interventions in selected countries of origin in East, West and North Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, and Morocco). In the Arab States, the programme provides continuity to interventions in countries of destination across the region by building on the work of the Fairway Middle East project (2016-2019), which target low-skilled migrant workers from all regions.

The FAIRWAY programme
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The FAIRWAY programme

The FAIRWAY Programme is an inter-regional initiative to improve labour migration conditions from Africa to the Arab States, and to protect all vulnerable migrant workers in the Arab States. Over the course of four years, FAIRWAY will contribute to enabling migrant workers to contribute to sustainable development in both countries of origin and destination.

Improved access to employment opportunities for Lebanese and refugee graduates from skills training
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Improved access to employment opportunities for Lebanese and refugee graduates from skills training

The project aims to provide post-training services and market-based skills training for vulnerable Lebanese and refugees in order to improve employability in the labour market.

Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons
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Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons

The Partnership has a four-year initial time horizon (2019-2023). Financially supported by the Netherlands, partners will join their efforts to develop a new paradigm in responding to forced displacement crises.

Assessing informality and vulnerability among disadvantaged groups of Lebanese, and Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
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Employment promotion

Assessing informality and vulnerability among disadvantaged groups of Lebanese, and Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

The ILO has conducted an Informal Economy and Vulnerability study, targeting the most vulnerable populations among Lebanese, Syrian Refugees and Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon to provide currently unavailable information on the supply and demand sides of Lebanon’s labour market.

SKILL-UP Lebanon
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SKILL-UP Lebanon

Work in Freedom, Phase II - Fair recruitment and decent work for women migrant workers in South Asia and the Middle East
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Work in Freedom, Phase II - Fair recruitment and decent work for women migrant workers in South Asia and the Middle East

The Work in Freedom is an integrated programme to support mobility by choice among women and girls from countries of origin (India, Bangladesh and Nepal) to decent jobs with safety and dignity of workers in destination countries (India, Lebanon and Jordan) through fair recruitment processes.

ILO-FCDO Partnership Programme on Fair Recruitment and Decent Work for Women Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East – Phase II (Nepal)
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Women migrant workers

ILO-FCDO Partnership Programme on Fair Recruitment and Decent Work for Women Migrant Workers in South Asia and the Middle East – Phase II (Nepal)

The Work in Freedom is an integrated programme to support mobility by choice among women and girls from destination countries (India, Bangladesh and Nepal) to decent jobs with safety and dignity of workers in destination countries (India, Lebanon, Jordan, Oman and Kuwait) through fair recruitment processes.

Reforming the End of Service Indemnity scheme in Lebanon’s private sector into a pension system for old-age, disability and survivors
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Social Security

Reforming the End of Service Indemnity scheme in Lebanon’s private sector into a pension system for old-age, disability and survivors

The project aims to establish a pension system for private sector workers to provide periodic benefits in case of old-age, disability and death.

Improving Livelihoods for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Better Access, More Opportunities, Enhanced Capacities
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Improving Livelihoods for Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Better Access, More Opportunities, Enhanced Capacities

ILO and UNRWA launch an entrepreneurship and self-employment project among Palestinian refugees in Lebanon to facilitate their entry to the labour market.

Improved access to employment opportunities for Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon
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Improved access to employment opportunities for Lebanese host communities and Syrian refugees in Lebanon

The project will contribute to upgrading the agricultural technical education system in Lebanon, to improve access to employment opportunities and livelihoods in rural areas.

Improved and market-based provision of vocational training for Lebanese and refugees
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Improved and market-based provision of vocational training for Lebanese and refugees

The project will design a training programme that helps vocational training providers to gather information on and analyse market needs in order to provide targeted services responsive to community market demands.

Lebanon Labour Force and Households’ Living Conditions Survey 2017
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Lebanon Labour Force and Households’ Living Conditions Survey 2017

Lebanon's Central Administration for Statistics (CAS) and the ILO have embarked upon an EU funded project to produce reliable, timely and representative statistical data on the current conditions of work in the country.

Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme in Lebanon (EIIP)
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Employment Intensive Infrastructure Programme in Lebanon (EIIP)

Creating decent work opportunities for Syrian refugees and host communities through infrastructure improvement in Lebanon.