Regular Budget Supplementary Account

The ILO’s funding base consists of assessed and voluntary contributions. Voluntary contributions include the Regular Budget Supplementary Account (RBSA), which allows development partners to provide un-earmarked core funding to the ILO, increasing the Office’s capacity to deliver and achieve results at country level.

The ILO allocates RBSA funds flexibly when and where they are most needed. As a priority, RBSA resources are allocated to ODA-eligible countries, and are aligned with the results-based framework of the ILO.

In 2022-23, nine governments supported the RBSA with contributions totaling US$ 31.6 million (as at 31 December 2023).

Contributions to ILO's core voluntary funding (RBSA)

All figures in US$ (‘000); all figures as at 31 December 2023

Core voluntary funding highlights

Partners observe impact of RBSA funding in Abidjan October 2022

Partners observe impact of RBSA funding in Abidjan October 2022

Innovative technology lets partners witness impact of flexible resources on Decent Work in Egypt

Virtual field visit

Innovative technology lets partners witness impact of flexible resources on Decent Work in Egypt

Core Voluntary Funding (RBSA) for ILO development cooperation


Core Voluntary Funding (RBSA) for ILO development cooperation

Shifting production to fight COVID-19 in Moldova

COVID-19 response

Shifting production to fight COVID-19 in Moldova

Development partners witness impact of flexible resources on Viet Nam’s progress

Development partners witness impact of flexible resources on Viet Nam’s progress

Highlights 2008 to 2018: Core voluntary funding 


Highlights 2008 to 2018: Core voluntary funding 

ILO Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan - (RBSA)

Refugee Crisis

ILO Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan - (RBSA)