Core Voluntary Funding (RBSA) for ILO development cooperation (Update, June 2023)
This fact sheet describes recent developments in the RBSA funding modality, its allocation and management, monitoring and evaluation, and results to date. It summarizes trends in 2018-2023, and provides details on contributions for 2016-22.
The Regular Budget Supplementary Account (RBSA) has emerged as a key funding modality through which the ILO and its development partners can advance the Decent Work Agenda and the associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the ILO’s unearmarked, voluntary core funding modality, RBSA is a critical element of the ILO resource mix.
The flexibility that comes with unearmarked resources allows the Office to respond in areas and countries where opportunities for results emerge and other resources are not readily available.
The flexibility that comes with unearmarked resources allows the Office to respond in areas and countries where opportunities for results emerge and other resources are not readily available.