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The care economy is growing as the demand for childcare and care for the elderly is increasing in all regions. It will thus create a great number of jobs in the coming years. However, care work across the world remains characterised by a void of benefits and protections, low wages or non-compensation, and exposure to physical, mental and, in some cases, sexual harm. It is clear that new solutions to care are needed on two fronts: in regards to the nature and provision of care policies and services, and the terms and conditions of care work.


Decent Work in the Care Economy

News and articles

Daycare facilities inaugurated to accommodate the needs of working mothers
Placeholder image

Daycare facilities inaugurated to accommodate the needs of working mothers

Indonesia launches its Road Map for Care Economy for a more Gender Equal World of Work
Placeholder image

Indonesia launches its Road Map for Care Economy for a more Gender Equal World of Work


ILO Global Care Policy Portal
Care policy map

ILO Global Care Policy Portal

Care Policy Investment Simulator
Care simulator

Care Policy Investment Simulator

Tutorial video: ILO Global Care Policy portal and investment simulator

Key Resources

Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work
Care at work report cover

Executive summary

Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work

Care Work and Care Jobs for the Future of Decent Work
Care work and care job report cover

Care Work and Care Jobs for the Future of Decent Work

Costs and benefits of investing in transformative care policy packages: A macrosimulation study in 82 countries
Care working paper cover

ILO Working paper 55

Costs and benefits of investing in transformative care policy packages: A macrosimulation study in 82 countries

A guide to public investments in the care economy
Care policy tool cover

UN Women - ILO Policy Tool

A guide to public investments in the care economy


The care economy and decent work in Sri Lanka: Opportunities, challenges and future trends

The care economy and decent work in Sri Lanka: Opportunities, challenges and future trends

Sectoral potential for the creation of female jobs and proposed avenues to achieve gender equality on the labour market.

UN Women - ILO Policy Tool

Sectoral potential for the creation of female jobs and proposed avenues to achieve gender equality on the labour market.

From global care crisis to quality care at home: The case for including domestic workers in care policies and ensuring their rights at work

ILO Policy Brief

From global care crisis to quality care at home: The case for including domestic workers in care policies and ensuring their rights at work