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Daycare facilities inaugurated to accommodate the needs of working mothers
The daycare centers will create a conducive working environment with, safe, stimulating, and child-friendly facilities that accommodate the needs of working mothers with infant children and toddlers in the textile and garment factories.
Indonesia launches its Road Map for Care Economy for a more Gender Equal World of Work
The International Labour Organization (ILO) Office in Indonesia supports the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection in the development of a Road Map on Care Economy for a Transformative, fair and Equal World of Work in Indonesia.
Rights of domestic workers
New ILO policy brief calls for domestic workers to be included in care policies to ensure their rights at work
Domestic workers play an integral and increasing role in care provision but lack access to labour rights and social protection. Governments and social partners need to act.
Moving towards equality: The role of care work in the Latin American labour market
Analysing the intersection between gender, employment and care, the ILO presents a detailed report that calls for transformative action to redistribute care work around co-responsibility and social justice.
Care economy
Investing in care policies can create millions of jobs in MENA, new ILO report finds
Marking International Women’s Day, the International Labour Organization Regional Office for Arab States (ILO ROAS) launched a pivotal report on the labour market impact of investing in the care economy in the Middle East and North Africa.
Social experiment on care economy
Women work 100 hours per week but still consider unproductive: Magdalene-ILO Care work social experiment
What happens if you are paid to do care work that you usually do at home?
Care economy
Towards golden Indonesia with equality in care work
The ILO organizes an interactive discussion session examining the key findings of its workers' perception survey on care work, conducted in collaboration with KataData Insight Centre.
Care economy
Childcare allows an informal, working mother to care and support her family
This is the life journey of Siti Riyanti, a working mother of two who has been able to support her family and take care of her sons with the support of a quality, affordable childcare service.
Care economy
Indonesian women are still obliged to quit their paid jobs due to caring responsibilities
The ILO is launching findings of its workers’ perception survey on care work. The survey is conducted to support the development process of Indonesia’s Road Map and National Action Plan on Care Economy.
Care economy
A company-based childcare service improves workers’ loyalty and productivity
The ILO, together with its social partners, conducts a visit to Tunas Cinta childcare service in Mojokerto District in East Java to learn about challenges and opportunities in providing a greater access to childcare for Indonesian workers nationwide.
Why measuring unpaid domestic and care work matters
Every day, more than 16 billion hours are devoted to unpaid domestic and care work around the world. As global populations age, these figures are set to rise, and quantifying unpaid domestic and care work is critical to understanding labour under-utilisation, employment trends, and gender-based inequalities.
Childcare policy
Closing childcare policy gaps offers high return on investment
There is a compelling social investment and gender equality case for transforming childcare policies so that they universally and effectively cover children from birth until the start of mandatory primary education, new ILO research has found.
International Conference of Labour Statisticians
Data: A common language for the world of work
Without accurate data, labour market decisions cannot be taken says Rafael Diez de Medina, Chief Statistician and Director of the ILO Department of Statistics.
Care economy
Quality, affordable childcare services are key to gender equality in labour market
The ILO continues to support the development of Indonesia’s Road Map and Action Plan on Care Economy by organizing the fourth stakeholder meeting with a focus on childcare services.
Indonesia identifies seven strategic issues for its Road Map and Action Plan on Care Economy
The ILO supports the development of Indonesia’s Road Map and Action Plan on Care Economy, led by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA), through a series of consultative meetings.
Belgium hosts Employment conference on labour market participation of women
The ILO discussed the situation of women in the world of work, and the initiatives which are being taken to support women’s participation in the labour market and reduce the gender pay gap.
The ILO holds meeting on care provision through cooperatives with global and country level updates
On Wednesday, August 23rd, The ILO’s Cooperative Unit (COOP) and the Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Branch came together with 27 ILO colleagues from headquarters and the field to discuss progress on the initiative Cooperative Care Provision as a Gender-Transformative Decent Work Solution, initially launched in March 2023.
Decent work
ILO-UN Women joint programme on decent employment for women in the care economy concludes with recommendations to address care coverage gaps
A high-level policy dialogue on care, decent employment and macroeconomy organized by the ILO and UN Women highlights the need for increased care investment in Nepal for decent employment opportunities for women through gender-responsive care, sectoral and macroeconomic policies.
Gender equality and women workers
Childcare shortfalls having major impact on gender equality in labour markets across Asia and the Pacific
New report highlights impacts of shortfalls in childcare provision in the region, makes recommendations for change at all levels.
World Breastfeeding Week 2023
Employers need to do more to support breastfeeding women in the workplace –UNICEF, ILO
UNICEF and the ILO urge employers in the Philippines to do more to support breastfeeding mothers in the workplace, which is good for mothers, babies and businesses.