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Workplace Compliance through Labour Inspection Guidance and Social Dialogue (WPC)

Project details

1 March 2023 - 2 March 2026

IPA III/2023/438-998

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Project Overview

The overall objective of this Action is to contribute to the creation of a more decent work environment for all women and men in Türkiye.

Specific Objectives

Specific Objective 1: Improving the institutional capacity of Directorate of Guidance and Inspection (DoGI) of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS) and the social partners to increase workplace compliance

Specific Objective 2: Improving the workplace compliance through strengthening guidance services and awareness raising on decent work

The first outcome of the Project stems from the need for increasing the capacity of the DoGI and social partners. In this regard, the Project aims to improve the effectiveness of the DoGI through a multi-pronged approach. The Project on the other hand will increase the technical capacities of social partners and relevant institutions along with the DoGI on International Labour Standards, EU Acquis and national labour legislation with a gender equality and rights-based approach. Furthermore, strategic and digital adaptation of guidance and inspection services will be facilitated. Within this scope, previous labour inspections will be elaborated by means of inspection reports in order to define the decent work deficits in Türkiye. The role and the future of labour inspection in post-COVID period will be reviewed while developing necessary inspection tools in this context. Trainings will be precisely designed based on capacity and needs assessment of the DoGI. Regarding the strategic and digital adaptation of guidance and inspection services, the Data Centre of the DoGI complying with the labour inspection procedures will be strengthened. The web-based infrastructure of the DoGI will be improved to ensure tracking the guidance and inspection activities as well as obtaining the relevant statistics while contributing to the digitalisation of the DoGI.

The second outcome focuses more on guidance services to improve workplace compliance and raising awareness of all related parties on decent work. The compliance in elaborately selected sectors, in consultation with social partners with a decent work centred market systems approach, will be improved through guidance. Moreover, awareness of institutions, social partners, the private sector and the general public on decent work will be increased. Moreover, cross-sectoral dialogue mechanisms including comprehensive form of stakeholders will be processed while the guidance action model and plan at the value chain of selected sectors are being implemented. With the purpose of raising awareness of all relevant partners, workshops aiming to strengthen the role of the DoGI along with the international conference on the role and future of labour inspection and guidance in the post COVID period will be organised. Furthermore, promotional activities will be conducted and ILO materials in the area of decent work will be made more accessible in order to ease knowledge transfer towards the DoGI and other relevant Turkish stakeholders.

Final Beneficiaries

  • Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MoLSS)- Directorate of Guidance and Inspection (DoGI)
  • Workers in selected sectors
  • Employers in selected sectors
  • Trade Unions and Employer Organisations at national and sectoral level
  • Vulnerable groups, particularly the informal workers, women, young people, people with disabilities, foreign workers, including the refugees and migrants under temporary protection and international protection, people who have the risk of forced labour, working children and their families


  • A report on the role and future of labour inspection and guidance in the future of work and in post COVID period is prepared and disseminated widely.
  • Practical tools are adapted and tailored to increase the capacity of related stakeholders.
  • A road map for improving effective implementation of the national legislation and enhancing workplace compliance is developed.
  • Technical capacity of the main beneficiary, relevant institutions and the social partners are increased through blended trainings on international labour standards and inspection practices. 1.375 participants benefited trained on fundamental labour rights.
  • 30 participants are benefited from the ITC ILO Trainings.
  • “ILO’s Approach to Strategic Compliance Planning for Labour Inspectorate” is introduced to and implemented at the DoGI.
  • Digital adaptation of the DoGI is reinforced through improvement of Data Centre.
  • Guidance Action Model and Plan at the value chain of selected sectors targeting the employers and workers is implemented and 300 visits are organised.

Target Groups

  • Central and regional staff of the DoGI
  • Relevant units of MoLSS, namely Directorate General for Labour, Directorate General for Occupational Safety and Health, Directorate General for Information Technologies and Social Security Institution
  • Trade unions at sectoral level
  • Employer organisations at sectoral level
  • Confederations of Trade Unions and Employer Associations Confederations at national level
  • Union of Chambers of Commodity and Commerce (TOBB)
  • Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen
  • Workers at selected sectors
  • Employers at selected sectors
  • Big companies in selected sectors and SME’s in their value chain
  • Multinational companies and brands and SME’s in their value chain
  • Industry stakeholders
  • International Finance Institutions
  • CSO’s organised in areas concerned, such as climate change, persons with disabilities, working life

Project Provinces:

Ankara, İstanbul, Bursa, Adana, İzmir


European Union (EU), IPA III


1 March 2023 – 2 March 2026 (36 months)