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Tripartism and Social Dialogue in the Arab States

Tripartism and social dialogue are key mechanisms to foster social and economic progress and achieve decent work for all. Both mechanisms are relevant to any effort which aims to achieve more productive and effective enterprises and sectors, as well as fairer and more efficient economies. The mechanisms also serve as means to promote fundamental principles and rights at work, better wages and working conditions, as well as peace and social justice. In the Arab States region, the ILO assists tripartite constituents to establish and strengthen social dialogue legal and institutional frameworks, build the capacity of tripartite actors at the country level, as well as support bipartite and tripartite dialogue among constituents. See more…

Facts & Figures

  • Five Arab countries – Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Syrian Arab Republic, and Yemen –  have ratified the ILO convention (No.144) on Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards).
  • All the Arab states have established social dialogue institutions and bodies and the ILO works closely with constituents to develop its structures, mandate, bylaws and roles as per international labour standards.
  • With the assistance of ILO, all Arab League Member States adopted the Arab Action Agenda for Employment, which identifies the promotion of social dialogue as a priority area for action and encourages the establishment of social and economic councils.

Focus on

Social Dialogue: Key to Achieving the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals

Social Dialogue: Key to Achieving the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals


Strengthening labour market governance in the Occupied Palestinian Territory through reformed labour law and enhanced social dialogue

Strengthening labour market governance in the Occupied Palestinian Territory through reformed labour law and enhanced social dialogue

Fair wages and childcare: promoting dignity and equality by empowering workers in the private sector in Jordan

Fair wages and childcare: promoting dignity and equality by empowering workers in the private sector in Jordan

With ILO Support



For more information

Mustapha Said
Senior Workers' Specialist
(e): said@ilo.org