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Systems Change Initiative for productive employment

Project details

1 February 2022 - 31 December 2025

USD 3,200,000

Sweden, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency


Project team: sci@ilo.org

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At the Systems Change Initiative (SCI), our mission is to drive systems change for job growth and improved job quality. To achieve this, the SCI supports field projects and teams to (i) understand which sectors have the highest potential to create more and better jobs; (ii) map out the key constraints to more and better jobs withing these sectors along with their root causes; and (iii) identify, design and run interventions which stakeholders can run in the long run. Rooted in analysis, adaptability and local partnerships, our MSD for employment approach promotes decent work that is sustainable, scalable, and inclusive.

The project works both in specific projects and with a global mandate to enhance knowledge and capacity in the market systems approach for employment for various organizations. It is also putting in focus how a systemic approach to employment can be applied in the context of achieving environment and trade outcomes as well as understanding how to better measure job quality. 

Find out more: What is a systems approach?

Latest news

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A 10-question pocket guide to making MSD work for you

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Think piece

Total systems failure: Three lessons on how to avoid a “blue screen of death” in your market systems development project

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Key areas of work

Sector selection

Which value chains have the highest potential?

Sector selection

Market systems analysis

What are the key challenges, their root causes and how can they be resolved?

Market systems analysis

Global guides and briefs

How to apply the systems approach across range of contexts?

Global guides and briefs

Key resources

A rough guide to measuring job quality in market systems development: Operational guidance

A rough guide to measuring job quality in market systems development: Operational guidance

Value Chain Development for Decent Work


Value Chain Development for Decent Work

A User-friendly guide for Market Systems Analysis


A User-friendly guide for Market Systems Analysis

Market Systems Development and the Environment


Market Systems Development and the Environment

Business models for decent work


Business models for decent work

A Systemic Approach to Creating More and Better Jobs


A Systemic Approach to Creating More and Better Jobs