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Strengthening Social Partners and Civil Society Capacities on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Project details

1 February 2023 - 31 January 2027

IPA III/2022/439-306

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The project plans to contribute to ensure that fundamental labour standards specified in the fundamental ILO conventions in the changing world of work in Türkiye are improved and better respected. In this context, the following ILO conventions outline the framework of the project:

The effective recognition of the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining;
  • No. 87 - Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention (1948)
  • No. 98 - Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention (1949)

The elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour;
  • No. 29 - Forced Labour Convention (1930)
  • No. 105 - Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (1957)

The effective eradication of child labour;
  • No. 138 - Minimum Age Convention (1973)
  • No. 182 - Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999)

The elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation;
  • No. 100 - Equal Remuneration Convention (1951)
  • No. 111 - Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958)

The establishment of a safe and healthy working environment;
  • No. 155 - Occupational Safety and Health Convention (1981)
  • No. 187 - Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention (2006)
The project, designed in line with Türkiye's Eleventh Development Plan, National Employment Strategy, and the 8th Goal of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, aims to enhance the capacities of social partners and rights-based civil society organizations.

Target Groups

  • Social Partners:
    • Trade unions
    • Trade Union Confederations
    • Employer and business membership organizations
    • Confederations of employer organisations
  • Civil Society Organizations:
    • Non-governmental organizations with rights-based approach
    • Non-governmental organizations with a charter or a primary field of activity related to the world of work


The project aims to contribute to its overall goal through two specific objectives. The first objective is to enhance the technical and advocacy capacities of the target groups for the preservation and improvement of fundamental labour rights in the future of the labour market. The second objective is to support the involvement of the target groups in social dialogue processes, thereby improving access to fundamental labour rights.



  • Assessment of the advocacy capacities of the target groups regarding fundamental labour rights through a needs analysis study.
  • Preparation of four thematic research reports.
  • Establishment of an electronic library related to fundamental labour rights.


  • Development of a modular training program on fundamental labor rights (including face-to-face and digital versions).
  • Participation of a total of 1000 representatives from social partners and civil society organizations in the face-to-face training program.
  • Participation of a total of 1000 representatives from social partners and civil society organizations in the digital training program.
  • Participation of a total of 10 representatives from social partners and civil society organizations in training at the ILO-ITC International Training Center.
  • Organizing a hackathon involving 50 university students to support the development of innovative ideas addressing common issues in the labor market.

Social Dialogue

  • Providing access to a shared activity area, meeting room, and workspace within a support center established in Istanbul, reaching 1000 beneficiaries.
  • Offering grant support to 50 selected organizations from the target groups.
  • Organizing two meetings to connect the target groups with the media industry.
  • Hosting 6 partnership workshops to facilitate knowledge sharing among the target groups regarding each other's work.
  • Conducting 6 advocacy workshops with the aim of developing advocacy strategies.
  • Organizing 3 best practices workshops to share successful advocacy examples.
  • Arranging 5 meetings with relevant public institutions and decision-makers to discuss policy recommendations.
  • Holding 2 workshops on Just Transition and Green Jobs.
  • Selecting and awarding 3 young women civil society leaders through a competition among the target groups, providing them with ILO-ITC training.
  • Reaching 6,000 people through communication activities in order to raise awareness on the importance of fundamental labour rights as an integral part of the human rights


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