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Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia - Indonesia

The Project aims to promoting regular and safe labour migration among South East Asian countries in fishing and seafood processing sectors.

Project details

1 August 2020 - 31 July 2024

European Union


Mi Zhou, Chief Technical Advisor, Ship to Shore Rights SEA

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Labour migration within and from South East Asia positively impacts economic growth and development for both sending and receiving countries. Migrant workers contribute significantly to these pivotal sectors of economic and social interest for countries in the region. Yet, it remains a challenge to ensure decent working conditions and protection of migrant workers’ rights in these sectors. In the past few years, momentum for change has gathered, and governments and social partners have taken steps to improve labour migration regulations and underlying working conditions in these sectors.

The EU has closely worked and cooperated with countries in the region and the Thai government to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The programme will build on the achievements of the EU-funded Ship to Shore Rights project (2016-2020) implemented by the ILO in Thailand and on ILO’s experience in promoting the protection of migrant workers’ rights and addressing forced labour in the region. It will also draw on IOM’s and UNDP’s experience in combatting human trafficking, improving recruitment practices, and ensuring access to information. In addition to Thailand, the programme will deepen engagement with Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, and Viet Nam. Other countries in South East Asia as well as ASEAN organizations may also be involved in regional activities.

Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia will promote labour migration laws, policies, practices, and services that respond to the needs of women and men in fishing and seafood processing sectors. The programme will address the protection gaps in the migration process, including through fair recruitment, as well as enhance access to safe, orderly, and regular migration by addressing exploitation, forced labour and trafficking. Ship to Shore Rights South East Asia will increase support services to migrant workers and amplify their representation. It will also promote innovative, rights-based and safe solutions to manage labour migration and ensure decent working conditions. It will promote policies to ensure that migrant workers are protected during the COVID-19 pandemic and included in the crisis response and recovery.


  • Strengthen the legal, policy, and regulatory frameworks related to labour migration and labour standards, focusing on the fishing and seafood processing sectors in South East Asia.
  • Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all migrant workers, from recruitment to the end of contract.
  • Empower migrant workers, their families, organizations, and communities to promote and exercise their rights.

Target beneficiaries

Current, potential, and returnee migrant workers in the fishing and seafood processing sectors, their families, and communities in the countries of origin and destination.


Migrant workers in the fishing and seafood processing sectors, their families and communities; national government authorities; workers’ and employers’ organizations; recruitment agencies and their associations; vessel owners and their associations; civil society organizations, and community-based organizations.

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