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Tripartism and social dialogue

Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains (RISSC) in the Philippines

Project details

1 September 2022 - 31 August 2025

Government of Japan


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Funded by the Government of Japan, the RISSC project aims to build more resilient, inclusive and sustainable global supply chains as an entry point and catalyst for advancing decent work, addressing human and labour rights risks, and building forward better from recent global disruptions, including COVID-19 pandemic. In the Philippines, the RISSC project focuses on the aquaculture sector.

©ILO/M.Crozet. Fishermen set up the net for fish farming in the southern part of the Philippines.

Key Industry Facts

  • The Philippines is the 7th world’s largest aquaculture producer (2018), the 4th largest producer of farmed seaweed and 5th largest marine and coastal producer of finfish globally (2019).
  • Aquaculture accounts for an estimated 1.7 per cent of the Philippines’ GDP
  • In 2020 the industry produced US$ 3.9 billion of aquaculture products, around US$1 billion of which was exported
  • The sector employs an estimated 350,000 workers, 60 per cent of whom are female

Decent work challenges and opportunities

  • Poor working conditions (including inadequate wages and access barriers to social protection)
  • Occupational hazards and risks
  • Informality and non-standard employment
  • Gender-based inequality and discrimination
  • Child and forced labour
  • Lack of organization and social dialogue

Project objective

The project aims to foster a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chain in the aquaculture sector in the Philippines by addressing human & labour rights risks and expanding decent work and responsible business practices.

In particular, the project expects that by 2025:

Government, employers and workers’ organizations and other aquaculture industry stakeholders will have a better understanding of and capacity and tools to address decent work deficits in the sector, together with improved policies and mechanisms to build an enabling environment for the decent work and responsible business across the supply chain.

In addition, through engagement with key supply chain actors (especially those linked to Japan), principles of due diligence and responsible business conduct will be more widely understood and applied in the aquaculture production and processing supply chain in the Philippines. 

Project approach

Grounded on international labour standards and tripartism, the RISSC project will:

  1. Conduct sector-specific research and analysis to better understand decent work gaps and inform actions in the aquaculture sector
  2. Develop and/or improve industry tools and advice to support decent work and responsible business practices
  3. Support constituents and industry stakeholders to implement and enable policies and actions to promote decent work in the aquaculture sector
  4. Support policymakers, businesses and other stakeholders (especially those linked to Japan) to uphold and implement national commitments to business and human rights and due diligence within the aquaculture supply chain

Target beneficiaries

  • Employers, workers in the aquaculture sector
  • Policymakers, government agencies and local government units
  • Other key industry stakeholders, both national and international (especially Japanese)

Potential constituents, stakeholders and other implementing partners

For further information, please contact:

Ms Ana Liza Valencia 
National Project Coordinator

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Request for proposals: Research and analysis: decent work and responsible business practices in the aquaculture sector in the Philippines