Publications on International Labour Standards

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Pakistan’s tanning and leather industries : An overview of trends and labour and environmental conditions
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International labour standards

Pakistan’s tanning and leather industries : An overview of trends and labour and environmental conditions

The report identifies opportunities for macro level areas of leverage to drive improved compliance with national and international labour standards (including market access and preferential tariff treatment) as well as micro-level interventions to strengthen the capacities of enterprises to comply with national and international labour and environmental standards.

Iraq National Strategy to prevent and reduce inequalities in the World of Work (2024-2028)
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Iraq National Strategy to prevent and reduce inequalities in the World of Work (2024-2028)

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain in Pakistan: RISE for Impact – A New Phase, A New Vision
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Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain in Pakistan: RISE for Impact – A New Phase, A New Vision

Funded by INDITEX, the project aims to scale up the community model developed under the first phase of the project, in order to foster a partnership approach among the actors for enhanced respect for FPRW in cotton growing communities and a sustainable cotton supply chain in Pakistan.

ILO in Iraq Periodical Newsletter- 2023
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ILO in Iraq Periodical Newsletter- 2023

In this issue, we are delighted to showcase the remarkable achievements resulting from the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq throughout 2023. These milestones underscore our commitment to promote decent work and advancing social justice.

Work in fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188). Marking the roadmap for decent work in the fishing sector
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Work in fishing Convention, 2007 (No. 188). Marking the roadmap for decent work in the fishing sector

This brochure summarizes the objective and scope of the ILO Convention No. 188. The objective of the Convention is to ensure that fishers have decent conditions of work on board fishing vessels. It applies to all fishers and fishing vessels engaged in commercial fishing operations.

Forced labour
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Forced labour

Sri Lanka’s Labour Market during the Economic Crisis of 2022-2023
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Statistical brief

Sri Lanka’s Labour Market during the Economic Crisis of 2022-2023

Why the unemployment rate does not tell the full story

Green Employment Diagnostics for Just Transitions
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Green Employment Diagnostics for Just Transitions

Supporting countries understand and respond to the opportunities and threats posed by climate change, and policy responses to promote just transitions

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions
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#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions

This document contains information on ILO Conventions C88 and C181, as well as frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Part II: Two decades of national employment policies 2000-2020
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Part II: Two decades of national employment policies 2000-2020

Towards a new generation of national employment policies (NEPs): What can we learn from the evolution of the scope and content of NEPs?

Step by step guide on how to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies
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Step by step guide on how to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies

This guide aims to facilitate the understanding by national stakeholders of the ratification process of ILO Conventions C88 and C181.

The Alignment of Indonesian laws, policies, and their enforcement with the ILO international labour standards on forced labour: A situation and gap analysis
Cover_The alignment of Indonesian laws, policies

Forced labour

The Alignment of Indonesian laws, policies, and their enforcement with the ILO international labour standards on forced labour: A situation and gap analysis

This gap analysis documents the extent to which the requirements of PO29 are represented in the Government of Indonesia’s existing laws, norms and practices, with special reference to Indonesia’s catch fisheries sector and local fishers, who are one of the groups identified to be at risk of forced labour in Indonesia.

Preliminary Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health in the Agriculture Sector in Lebanon
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Preliminary Assessment of Occupational Safety and Health in the Agriculture Sector in Lebanon

This assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) conditions in selected farms located in the Akkar and Beqaa regions of Lebanon.

Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries
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Governance and Tripartism Department

Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries

In most legal systems around the world today, the employment relationship remains the essential point of reference for determining rights and obligations in the workplace. The Universal Labour Guarantee (ULG), as a floor of labour protections, may then be raised either by means of the law and regulations, or through collective agreements. Significantly, this extension of labour protection to those outside the purview of an employment relationship or employment contract, extends protection to self-employed persons as well as those in a “grey zone”, i.e., who are considered neither genuinely self-employed nor genuine employees.

Decent and sustainable work in the inland waterways sector
Decent and sustainable work in the inland waterways sector - Cover

Decent and sustainable work in the inland waterways sector

Report for the Technical Meeting on Decent and Sustainable Work in the Inland Waterways Sector (Geneva, 20–24 November 2023)

From Protocol to Practice: A Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labour (The Bridge Project II)
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Forced labour

From Protocol to Practice: A Bridge to Global Action on Forced Labour (The Bridge Project II)

The Bridge Project funded by United States Department of Labour (USDOL) aims to increase knowledge and awareness on forced labour and support ratification and implementation of the ILO, Protocol of 2014 to the Forced Labour Convention, 1930.

GSP+ and compliance with fundamental labour standards
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International labour standards

GSP+ and compliance with fundamental labour standards

This publication has been produced by the Ministry of Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development with the technical support of the ILO, through the International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in Pakistan’s SMEs (ILES) project.

Conference Committee on the Application of Standards: Record of Proceedings (ILC 2023)
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Conference Committee on the Application of Standards: Record of Proceedings (ILC 2023)

The Conference Committee on the Application of Standards, a standing tripartite body of the International Labour Conference and an essential component of the ILO’s supervisory system, examines each year the report published by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.

Q2/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam
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Q2/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam

This update covers the period of April to June 2023.

Q1/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam
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Q1/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam

This update covers the period of January to March 2023.