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Profile of Portugal’s Young NEETs

Effective youth employment policy requires detailed diagnostics. In order to support the further development of the Youth Guarantee in Portugal, and in particular, the reformulation and re-invigoration of the Outreach Strategy, the ILO has prepared a detailed profile of young NEETs in Portugal.

Improvements in the labour market situation of Portuguese young people are clearly identifiable in recent years. Unemployment rates have been reduced, and, in particular, long-term unemployment has fallen markedly during period of implementation of the Youth Guarantee to date. However, more needs to be done to reach vulnerable young NEETs who are not registered with the Public Employment Services and who are not actively seeking work. In particular, efforts need to be redoubled in order to expand outreach to the most vulnerable NEETs such as the discouraged and above-all young women who are NEET due to family responsibilities.

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  • Niall O’Higgins, Kate Brockie