Past events

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024
Climate Change and the World of Work: Challenges and Perspectives for Occupational Safety and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean

Migrant workers
1st consultation on the development of the ASEAN Declaration on Skills Mobility, Recognition and Development for Migrant Workers
On 29 April 2024, the ILO will support the first consultation on the development of the ASEAN Declaration on Skills Mobility, Recognition and Development for Migrant Workers.

28 April
World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024: The impacts of climate change on occupational safety and health

Book presentation
Social Justice Through the Lens of ILO History: New Insights for Turbulent Times?
The new publication 'Mondialisation et justice sociale' examines the ILO's century-long advocacy for social justice, addressing issues from decolonization to corporate influence through diverse academic perspectives.

From Theory to Practice Webinar
Labour market enforcement in the UK: Reflections, lessons and the way forward
ILO webinar exploring UK labour compliance evolution, including the DLME's role and impact, underpinning theory, and practical enforcement outcomes.

ILO-ILERA Seminar: Researching work in and after the pandemic
This webinar will bring together a series of illuminating presentations by renowned experts, each focusing on different facets of the labour market's evolution in response to the unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic.

Global Skills Forum
Skills Development for Social Justice

2024 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development
Achieving Universal Social Protection: Pathways to Inclusive Financing for Development

Research Seminar
AI Labor Disclosure Initiative: Recognizing the social cost of human labour behind automation
Exploring the push for transparency with the AI Labor Disclosure Initiative (AILDI), revealing the human workforce behind AI and advocating for digital labor disclosure for informed policies, investments, and ethical AI development.

Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent
The event sets out to foster a tripartite approach to address labour-related challenges and leverage growth opportunities in the Pacific region.

Global Skills Forum

Global Skills Forum
Skills Development for Social Justice

Making finance work for refugees, displaced and host communities
The ILO and the International Training Centre of the ILO will organize this course in Turin, Italy, from 22 to 26 April 2024. We are offering this course in English and French.

Deadline for application: 31 March 2024
Employment Injury Schemes and the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases
The general objective of the course is to strengthen the capacity of employment injury institutions for the management of the occupational accidents and diseases and the promotion of the prevention approach on occupational safety and health based on ILO standards and best practices.

Training of trainers on financial education to empower youth and entrepreneurs in Southern Iraq, with support from Italy.

Anniversary Webinar for the United Nations General Assembly Resolution: “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development”

Droits du travail, droits de l'homme et développement
Organisée sous les auspices de la Coalition mondiale pour la justice sociale et dans le contexte de la récente publication d'un volume édité sur "Les rôles du droit international dans le développement", cette conférence universitaire vise à rassembler les perspectives des universitaires et des praticiens sur les rôles multiples que les droits du travail, en tant que droits de l'homme, jouent dans la promotion du développement durable, de la cohérence politique et de la justice sociale.

Anniversary Webinar for the United Nations General Assembly Resolution: “Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy for Sustainable Development”

EMPLOYMENT Seminar Series
Rigorous evidence on skills for better jobs: Recent insights from Africa
This seminar will present the main findings of a series of rigorous impact evaluations, discuss the implications for active labour market policies, and reflect on how to best use and produce rigorous evidence in policy practice.

ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024
Youth Leadership in Action: Supporting work for, with, and by young people in forced displacement
A side event highlighting the importance of promoting self-reliance of forcibly displaced youth at Economic and Social Council Youth Forum 2024
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