Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent
The event sets out to foster a tripartite approach to address labour-related challenges and leverage growth opportunities in the Pacific region.
The Pacific Tripartite High-level Dialogue is a joint initiative of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS). The event brings together representatives of government, employers’ and workers’ organizations from the region along with ILO specialists and other stakeholders to discuss collaboration under the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the need to foster a tripartite approach to address labour-related challenges and leverage opportunities in the Pacific region.
Concluding Statement agreed by the Pacific meeting
On the agenda
- Government group session (a.m./p.m.)
- Employers group session
- Workers group session
- Opening ceremony
- Signing of PIFS / ILO Agreement
- Strengthening partnerships in the Pacific continent and beyond: The role of the Global Coalition for Social Justice
- Session 1: Contextual framework and regional mechanism
- Session 2: Tripartism and social dialogue in the Pacific
- Session 3: Realizing decent work through international labour standards
- Launch of the ILO Pacific Employment and Social Monitor and discussion on the role of labour market data for evidence-based policy making
- Session 4: Tackling informality and promoting access to jobs and social protection in Pacific Island Countries
- Session 5: Skills shortages, skills development and skills for a green and digital transition
- PIFS-ILO-IOM side event: Information session on regional cooperation and labour mobility in the Pacific
- Discussions synthesis and way forward
- Closing ceremony
Media resources
Press release
ILO and Pacific Islands Forum sign cooperation agreement
Press release
Decent work towards 2050: Joint ILO-PIF Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue opens
Press release
Pacific employment report reveals persistent challenges despite job growth
Media advisory
Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to take place 23-26 April 2024 in Suva, Fiji
Learn more about countries in the Pacific
Resources for participants
Concept note and agenda of the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent
Administrative note of the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent
Participants list of the Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent