Ongoing and forthcoming events

Deadline for application: 19 April 2024
E-Learning Course on Labour Inspection
Labour inspection is an important public function provided by the State and is an essential part of the labour administration system. Labour inspection plays a key role to ensure fairness in the workplace and good governance of the labour market. This online course provides an overview of labour inspection.

Financing development: Navigating the landscape of financial instruments and mechanisms
Achieving the ambitious 2030 Agenda requires scaling up domestic and global resources. It also demands a shift from funding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to a wider financing approach through a blend of public, private, domestic and international resources.

Regional Forum
Driving an Inclusive and Productive Digital Transition for Decent Work

METI Programme
Investment and Employment
2nd Regional Technical Training of the Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment programme

Meeting of experts to update and adopt the 1998 ILO code of practice on safety and health in forestry work

Artificial Intelligence
The Economic Impacts and the Regulation of AI: A Review of the Academic Literature and Policy Actions (IMF, 2024)

Deadline for application: 12 April 2024
ILO Code of Practice on Occupational Safety and Health in the Textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear Industries
This course provides an overview of the new ILO Code of Practice for policy makers, senior officials and advisers from government institutions in charge of the planning, implementation and management of OSH in the textiles, clothing, leather and footwear sector at the national or sectoral level, as well as workers' and employers' representatives involved on OSH in the textiles, clothing, leather and footwear sector at the national level.

Seguros para el desarrollo

Employment Seminar series
The gendered employment impacts of the Covid-19 trade collapse and recovery

ITCILO course
Employment Academy

Conference: Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia
The ILO will organize a conference as part of the strengthening the social and solidarity economy in Asia – phase 2 project on 18-19 June 2024.

Deadline for application: 7 June 2024
E-Learning Course on Labour Inspection
The course will familiarize participants with the principles, functions and main characteristics of labour inspection. Participants will be able to choose from different compliance strategies and carry out a comprehensive and effective labour inspection visit relating to working conditions and occupational safety and health.

Deadline for application: 12 July 2024
Training of Trainers on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems
LABADMIN/OSH (the ILO department in charge of Labour Administration, Labour Inspection and Occupational Safety and Health), has developed a training curriculum for raising the level of competence of labour inspectorates.

Deadline for application: 12 July 2024
Social Security Inspection (New)
The course will provide the participants with a panorama of current approaches to the social security inspection as well as the most relevant tools, resources and strategies. The course is built around the interaction between social security, occupational safety and labour inspection.

Deadline for application: 31 May 2024
Master in Occupational Safety and Health
OSH professionals need a multidisciplinary background to successfully operate in the broad field of OSH, therefore the programme incorporates training sessions on all of the topics and disciplines relevant to OSH. The University of Turin, Italy, in partnership with the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO), is offering a Master course in Occupational Safety and Health.

Deadline for application: 16 August 2024
Distance Learning Course on Occupational Safety and Health (English, Spanish)
Becoming a safety and health professional requires multidisciplinary training. The OSH profession calls for a broad-based educational background combined with specialized knowledge of physical sciences (medicine, physics, chemistry and engineering), social sciences, among others.

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition in the building materials industry, including cement

Deadline for application: 21 August 2024
The Prevention of Work-related Occupational Diseases
Preventing the occurrence of occupational diseases requires knowing and anticipating the health hazards to the workers that may arise from the work processes, operations and equipment in a company, in order to eliminate these hazards or plan other appropriate interventions to control risks to the health.

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and beverages industry

Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)
Fifth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee established under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)
Geneva, 7–11 April 2025