News on International Labour Standards
Safety dialogue empowers small-scale banana farmers
Small banana growers engage in dialogue, devise practical approaches to safety and health and foster collaboration among stakeholders in celebration of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
Press release
Pacific employment report reveals persistent challenges despite job growth
New International Labour Organization report highlights how low-quality jobs are driving migration from smaller Pacific islands and calls for targeted policies for inclusive decent work.
Press release
Decent work towards 2050: Joint ILO-PIF Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue opens
Government, employer, and worker representatives gather in Fiji to shape priorities needed for quality and inclusive employment growth across the region.
ILO achieved the inclusion of Standard Clauses against Child Labor in five collective agreements
Media advisory
Pacific Tripartite High-Level Dialogue on Decent Work and the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent to take place 23-26 April 2024 in Suva, Fiji
Organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS), the event will foster a coordinated and inclusive approach to ensure decent work in the Pacific.
Namibia launches a National Coordination Mechanism for decent work in the fisheries sector.
A coordination body to oversee compliance and the general welfare of the fisheries sector in Namibia was launched recently in Namibia. It will operate as the ‘National Coordination Mechanism (NCM)’.
Occupational Safety and Health
Bulgaria renews its commitment to the promotion of occupational safety and health
Bulgaria ratifies the two fundamental Conventions Nos. 155 and 187.
Maritime Labour Convention
Global register on seafarer deaths
Refining the Determination of Minimum Wage Standards in Kenya
The International Labour Organization (ILO) project All Hands in Kenya (AHK) collaborated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in Kenya, to develop a government economic position paper meant to guide the minimum wage during the upcoming Labour Day celebrations.
Centenary Declaration: A historic pact to advance social justice in Ethiopia
The Centenary Declaration has forwarded several crucial recommendations that can be translated into game changing programs, projects, and initiatives.
Women workers call to implement ILO Convention 190
The ILO Rural Sectors Project started the celebration of Women’s Month through a forum focused on the prevention of gender-based violence and harassment in the world of work, anchoring on the Philippine Government’s ratification of the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190).
Protection of essential workers in the WHO draft instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
Armenian labour inspectors advance their expertise at a capacity-building workshop
A capacity-building event was held in Yerevan on March 15, 2024 within the framework of "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" (PILRAT) project, implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Armenia.
Opening address at the Capacity building review workshop of regional strategic compliance plans
By Mr Khalid Hassan, Director of the ILO Country Office for the Philippines at the Capacity building review workshop of regional strategic compliance plans, 12 March 2024, Manila, Philippines
Maritime sector
ILO and IMO recommend new steps against shipboard violence, harassment, and sexual assault
The organizations’ recommendations include amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, a new IMO mandatory training for seafarers, and a joint IMO/ILO international awareness campaign.
Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq: Recovery and Reform- Q&A Blog
Promotion of social dialogue
Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue
The ILO facilitates workers and employers of the Indonesian palm oil sector to promote social dialogue for improved productivity and workplace cooperation.
Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq: Recovery and Reform- Q&A Blog
Opening address at the Women workers’ forum on the ILO Convention 190: Moving forward in policy and practice
By Mr Khalid Hassan, Director of the ILO Country Office for the Philippines at the Women workers’ forum on the ILO Convention 190: Moving forward in policy and practice, 1 March 2024, Manila, Philippines
Decent Work Country Programme for Thailand 2023-27
Thailand and International Labour Organization agree work priorities thru 2027
Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) 2023-27 sets out key areas for cooperation between ILO and its government, employer and worker constituents in Thailand.
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