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The Netherlands – ILO Partnership

28 projects

The Netherlands currently fund 28 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide

1st in top 20

The Netherlands ranks 1st in the ILO list of voluntary funding contributors in 2022-23

US$ 348.9 million

The Netherlands has contributed US$ 348.9 million to ILO voluntary non-core funding in 2018-23

The Netherlands is a core contributor to the ILO’s development cooperation programme.  

The ILO works closely with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the inter-agency Partnership for improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities (PROSPECTS) in 8 countries in the Arab States and Africa bringing together the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Bank. Besides, the Netherlands support the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa, the setting of adequate wages, decent work in textile and agro-food industries, and small enterprise development.   

In addition to its contributions for specific programmes and projects, in 2022-23, the Netherlands contributed over US$ 9.2 million to the ILO Regular Budget Supplementary Account, allowing the Office to allocate these funds flexibly when and where they are most needed. 

Furthermore, the ILO benefits from Dutch expertise through the country’s participation in the Junior Professional Officer programme. 

For more information see the Netherlands' Country portal. 

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Development Cooperation Dashboard

Projects funded by the Netherlands

PROSPECTS: Improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities

PROSPECTS: Improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities


The Netherlands commits to further support for ILO’s work on forced displacement

The Netherlands commits to further support for ILO’s work on forced displacement

Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa)

Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa (ACCEL Africa)

Partnership for improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities (PROSPECTS)

Partnership for improving prospects for forcibly displaced persons and host communities (PROSPECTS)

ILO and the Government of Bangladesh launch skills and economic livelihoods project for women and youth in Cox’s Bazar

Skills and enterprise

ILO and the Government of Bangladesh launch skills and economic livelihoods project for women and youth in Cox’s Bazar