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Group of boys standing in a field

Child labour and forced labour

Multi Partner Fund

The pooled funding mechanism of the 8.7 Accelerator Lab to step up the fight against child labour and forced labour.

Project details

1 January 2021 - 31 December 2030

US$ 13,000,000

Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), Global Affairs Canada, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany


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The Multi Partner Fund contributes to the 8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative and aims to accelerate the replication of promising practices and identify new solutions to end forced labour and child labour globally. The Multi Partner Fund is based on a four-pronged approach delivering impact at the global, regional, national and workplace levels.


  • Identifying, scaling up or replicating solutions to end forced labour and child labour, in order to address the needs identified by local actors.
  • Developing sector or supply chain specific solutions, when needed, which can then be replicated in other countries.
  • Leveraging innovation and new technologies to accelerate progress towards SDG Target 8.7.
  • Establishing a smarter financing approach of SDG 8.7 to maximize the impact of partners’ contributions, ensure flexibility to seize high potential opportunities, and increase investments on innovative solutions.

The initial phase of the Multi Partner Fund focuses on tackling forced labour and child labour in fisheries and mining, sectors with high prevalence globally. Target countries which have been selected to implement Multi Partner Fund’s interventions in the fisheries sector are Indonesia, South Africa and Ghana and the Democratic Republic of Congo for the mining sector. 

The Multi Partner Fund is a central component of ILO’s development cooperation efforts to tackle child labour, forced labour and human trafficking, and will leverage the networks and knowledge produced by the Alliance 8.7, an inclusive global partnership for which ILO is the Secretariat.

Implementing partners

Global partnerships, regional organizations, national governments, workers’ organizations, employers’ organizations, businesses, research institutions, civil society organizations.

Countries covered

  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Ghana
  • Indonesia
  • South Africa

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8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative
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8.7 Accelerator Lab Initiative