Workers from a readymade garment factory in Bangladesh are seen leaving work at the end of the work day

Social Justice

Labour Day heightens urgency for renewed commitment to social justice

Celebration of Labour Day has a sense of urgency for renewed commitment to social justice, as we navigate through the complexities of our time, including climate change and the rapid evolution of the workplace due to technological advancements.

1 May 2024

Workers from a readymade garment factory in Bangladesh leave work at the end of the work day © ILO Bangladesh

Today, as we stand together to mark the International Labour Day, we are reminded of the rich history and the vital importance of this day; a day that symbolizes the struggle and the achievements of the working class globally, a day that resonates deeply with our collective commitment to advancing the rights and conditions of workers everywhere.

This year, our celebration of Labour Day has a sense of urgency for renewed commitment to social justice, as we navigate through the complexities of our time, including climate change and the rapid evolution of the workplace due to technological advancements. These challenges have not only tested our resilience but have also underscored the indispensability of concerted efforts and solidarity in promoting the welfare of workers across all sectors.

Bangladesh has made remarkable strides in economic growth and is on the cusp of a historic transition, moving towards graduating from the status of a Least Developed Country (LDC) by 2026. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and resilience of its people, including its vast workforce, which is the backbone of the nation's economic growth. As we celebrate these milestones, we must also address the persisting and emerging challenges that confront workers daily.

The ILO and the Government of Bangladesh has a long history of working together and the ILO is committed to support Bangladesh in the ongoing labour law reforms. Our joint goal is to foster an environment where worker's rights are protected, their contributions valued, and business are sustainable and competitive. These reforms are crucial in ensuring that the legal framework governing the world of work is conducive to fair, equitable, and decent working conditions for all.

Globally ILO is committed to supporting the recently established Global Coalition for Social Justice—a coalition that stands at the forefront of advocating for the rights and welfare of workers. This Coalition embodies the spirit of Labour Day, representing a broad alliance of stakeholders, including workers' and employers' organizations, government bodies, civil society, and international partners, all united in the pursuit of a more just and equitable society.

As we look towards the future, let us renew our commitment to social justice, to ensuring that economic growth translates into improved living standards and better working conditions for all. Let us forge stronger partnerships and deepen our dialogue, for it is only through collective action and mutual understanding that we can overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

I call upon us to join hands in solidarity—as workers, employers, government representatives, and members of the international community—to build a future where social justice is not just an ideal, but a reality for every worker in Bangladesh and around the world.

Together, let us make this Labour Day a steppingstone towards a brighter, more equitable future for the world of work.

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