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Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR)

Project details

1 August 2022 - 31 July 2025

US$ 3,750,000

Swiss Development Cooperation (US$ 2,800,000), Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (€ 900,000) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (50 000 US$)


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The Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR) is a global programme of the ILO established since 2015 and developped through 3 phases: Phase I (2015-2018)Phase II (2018-2022) and this third phase (2022-2025).

The Programme is dedicated to implementing the ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI) Strategy, focused on promoting of fair recruitment practices globally, in selected countries of origin and destination, and across specific migration corridors. 

The third and final phase of the FAIR programme is launched with the support of the Swiss Development Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

FAIR Programme Phase III

The Phase III of the FAIR programme is a continuation of Phase I and Phase II and thus it builds on and consolidates past results by strengthening stakeholder ownership and replicating or scaling up promising practices in countries with a vested interest in improving recruitment practices. Its interventions target migration corridors from Cote d’Ivoire to Tunisia, Tunisia to the Arab States, Ghana to the Arab States, and Lesotho to South Africa.


The objectives of the third phase of the Programme are aligned with the 4 pillars of the FRI strategy:

  1. Global knowledge and policy guidance on national and international recruitment processes is enhanced, exchanged and disseminated.
  2. Laws, policies and enforcement to promote fair recruitment are improved in selected countries of origin and destination.
  3. Fair business practices are expanded and consolidated in selected labour migration corridors and sectors.
  4. Migrant workers have greater access to reliable information and improved services throughout the recruitment process.


The programme takes a multi-stakeholder approach, partnering with government, social partners (workers’ and employers’ organizations), business, labour recruiters, civil society and the media to address fair recruitment.

FAIR: Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment Phase III (2022-2025)
man with headphones and woman smiling


FAIR: Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment Phase III (2022-2025)

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