ILO and partners promote social protection for a just transition in China

26 April 2024

BEIJING (ILO News) –The International Labour Office (ILO) and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) of China successfully hosted an International Seminar “Social protection responsive to climate change in China” on 17 April 2024 in Beijing, China, convened by ILO in the context of the EU-China Project “Improving China’s institutional capacity towards universal social protection (Phase 2)”, funded by the European Union.

As we face the existential threat of climate change, it is imperative that our responses are not only environmentally sustainable but also socially inclusive. Well-designed social protection systems can quickly deliver relief in the wake of extreme weather events, including storms, droughts and floods, which are on the rise globally. Social Protection measures are equally important to promote a just transition to a greener economy ensuring affected workers formerly employed in high-carbon emitting industries are adequately protected while they find another job. Ensuring that affected populations are covered by social protection is key to offset losses in income or assets that could threaten their livelihoods and wider economic activity, pushing them into poverty. 

International Seminar “Social protection responsive to climate change in China”

The seminar aimed to raise the awareness and build common understanding among Chinese policy makers and stakeholders on the significance of including social protection in national climate change adaptation and mitigation policies, and identify areas for strengthening technical collaboration and policy exchanges between ILO, China and European Union (EU).

About 30 participants from MOHRSS, Ministry of Emergency Management of China, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, China Enterprise Confederation, EU in Brussels and in Beijing, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Beijing, ILO and Chinese academia participated in the seminar. Participants shared relevant policies and practices promoting just transition in China, EU and its member states. 

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