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SCORE Training

ILO and Government of Flanders join forces to strengthen productivity in South Africa

SCORE Training is set for implementation in SMEs within the clothing and textiles manufacturing sector over the course of the year.

11 March 2024

Building on prior SCORE interventions in the garment sector, the ILO launched the “Promoting Decent Work through Productivity and Workplace Cooperation Interventions in South Africa’s Clothing Manufacturing Sector” project with the support of the Government of Flanders.

The project kicked off with a mapping study of Business Support Organisations (BSOs) in the clothing manufacturing industry. The study examines key challenges and opportunities in the sector, given that clothing manufacturing has faced various challenges in the last decade and has lost market share to other clothing producing countries where labour costs are lower. Subsequently, there has been a concerted effort by the government, employers’ and workers’ organizations to revitalize the sector.

The service portfolio of 56 institutions and BSOs in the clothing manufacturing sector was analysed, including both public and private sector, to identify entry points for technical interventions to strengthen productivity and competitiveness as well as promote decent work in the sector.

Building on the mapping study, the project held a planning workshop with SCORE Trainers in December 2023 to prepare for SCORE roll-out with the key implementation partner, National Bargaining Council for the Clothing Manufacturing Industry (NBCCMI). This was followed by a two-day online refresher Training of Trainers (ToT) for certified SCORE Trainers who will deliver SCORE Training to at least 45 textile and clothing manufacturing SMEs over the course of the year.