
Fair Recruitment Initiative

The Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI) was launched in 2014 as part of the ILO Director General’s call for a Fair Migration Agenda. Since its launch, the FRI has been critical to ILO’s work in the area of national and international recruitment of workers and has added renewed impetus and visibility to this important topic. Through the implementation of the first phase of the strategy between 2014-2019, the role of ILO and its constituents has expanded and the development of additional knowledge, tools and guidance has contributed to advancing the international debate on this subject.

The 2021-2025 FRI Strategy (Phase II) will continue to be grounded in relevant international labour standards (ILS), global guidance, and social dialogue between governance institutions and actors of the labour market – i.e. those who directly experience the challenges and opportunities of implementing fair recruitment practices. The FRI has combined global policy dialogue, knowledge and data generation with on-the-ground interventions where tools are tested, implemented, and expertise created.

Our vision

The Fair Recruitment Initiative's vision is to ensure that recruitment practices nationally and across borders are grounded in labour standards, are developed through social dialogue, and ensure gender equality. 

Specifically, they:

  • are transparent and effectively regulated, monitored, and enforced;
  • protect all workers’ rights, including fundamental principles and rights at work (FPRW), and prevent human trafficking and forced labour;
  • efficiently inform and respond to employment policies and labour market needs, including for recovery and resilience.

Our strategy

Learn more

ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative Strategy 2021-2025


ILO Fair Recruitment Initiative Strategy 2021-2025