Potable water project in Hammana, Lebanon


Employment in Investments Branch

Under the EIIP, a potable water project in Hammana, Lebanon, which aims to create work opportunities for Syrian refugees and host communities through infrastructure improvement. © ILO Arab States

Creating more and better jobs is essential for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. EMPINVEST mainstreams employment and decent work into investments, trade and sectoral strategies from policies to the operational programmatic level. We support governments, social partners, development partners and international financial institutions to:

  • ensure that measures of quantity and quality of jobs are embedded in in trade and investment policies and projects;
  • promote employment-intensive investments, particularly in infrastructure, supporting job creation and contributing to economic development, social inclusion and environmental sustainability;
  • support the transitions towards formal employment and to a greener economy through structural transformation in selected sectors which are crucial for economic stability and shared prosperity.

We work through

Employment-Intensive Investment Programme
Worker removing debris in the Philippines


Employment-Intensive Investment Programme

Investments, sectoral strategies, and transitions
Workers in a tobacco warehouse in Malawi


Investments, sectoral strategies, and transitions

Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean
International trade Port at Oakland, California 2016


Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Mediterranean

Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa
Crops being harvested by machine


Employment impact assessment to maximize job creation in Africa


After the earthquake: ILO projects contribute to recovery in Syria

Our impact, their voices

After the earthquake: ILO projects contribute to recovery in Syria

ILO promotes early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-damaged Aleppo


ILO promotes early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-damaged Aleppo

Sustaining peace through employment and decent work


Sustaining peace through employment and decent work

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