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Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs)

Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) have been established as the main vehicle for delivery of ILO support to countries. DWCPs have two basic objectives. They promote decent work as a key component of national development strategies. At the same time they organise ILO knowledge, instruments, advocacy and cooperation at the service of tripartite constituents in a results-based framework to advance the Decent Work Agenda within the fields of comparative advantage of the Organization. Tripartism and social dialogue are central to the planning and implementation of a coherent and integrated ILO programme of assistance to constituents in member States.
DWCPs are the distinct ILO contribution to UN country programmes and constitute one main instrument to better integrate regular budget and extra-budgetary technical cooperation.

Each DWCP is organised around a limited number of country programme priorities and outcomes. These are further detailed in an implementation plan. Monitoring and evaluation guidelines complement this approach. A DWCP is the expression of the ILO Programme and Budget in a country. The country programme priorities and outcomes reflect the strategic results framework of the ILO, adapted to national situations and priorities. In turn Programme and Budget strategic outcomes and indicators are based on Decent Work Country Programme outcomes.