Decent Work Country Programme Ukraine 2020-2024
Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) are the main planning frameworks for the delivery of ILO support to member countries. They outline a medium-term plan that guides the work of the ILO in a country in accordance with priorities and objectives developed by and agreed upon with governments, trade unions, and employers. The new DWCP for Ukraine is a result of a tripartite consultation on ILO support in Ukraine for the period 2020–24.
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Date of publication
3 February 2021
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Key labour market challenges of the country remain low employment rates with a pronounced gender gap, high labour emigration, elevated youth unemployment and inactivity, and a notable skills mismatch. The global health crisis has negatively affected Ukraine’s performance in several of these areas and made addressing structural labour market issues even more urgent. Key challenges in the area of working conditions and social protection are a lack of prevention culture concerning safety and health at work, increased levels of informality, high wage arrears, a notable gender pay gap, and insufficient coverage and financial sustainability of the social insurance system. Social dialogue needs to be intensified covering key topics of labour and social policies.
The DWCP aims to address challenges where the ILO has key technical expertise to offer. The three priorities for the 2020–24 programme are 1) improved social dialogue, 2) inclusive and productive employment, and 3) improved working conditions and social protection.
The DWCP aims to address challenges where the ILO has key technical expertise to offer. The three priorities for the 2020–24 programme are 1) improved social dialogue, 2) inclusive and productive employment, and 3) improved working conditions and social protection.