Decent Work Country Programmes
Decent Work Country Programme for the Republic of Moldova 2021-2024
Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) are the main planning frameworks for the delivery of ILO support to member countries. They outline a medium-term plan that guides the work of the ILO in a country in accordance with priorities and objectives developed and agreed upon with governments, trade unions, and employers.
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Date of publication
4 October 2021
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The new DWCP for the Republic of Moldova was drafted during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Key labour market challenges of the country are (1) low employment rates and high levels of inactivity, particularly among youth, women, and older workers, (2) aging of the population and continuous emigration, and (3) high levels of informality. Key problems in the area of working conditions and social protection are high work accident rates, low levels of wages and minimum legal wage, and insufficient coverage of the social security system. Social dialogue needs to be intensified at all levels.
The priorities of the DWCP for the 2021-2024 period are the following:
1) Inclusive and productive employment for youth
2) Effective protection at work
3) Improved social dialogue
The priorities of the DWCP for the 2021-2024 period are the following:
1) Inclusive and productive employment for youth
2) Effective protection at work
3) Improved social dialogue