Decent work
Decent Work Country Programme for Nepal 2023-2027
The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for Nepal covering 2023-2027 aims to improve access to decent work and better opportunities for more people in Nepal.
The Decent Work Country Programme for Nepal 2023-2027 provides a road map to ILO and its constituents on how to collectively realise the ambition of ensuring decent work for all in Nepal.
The DWCP Nepal is built upon three pillars: Employment, Rights and Social Dialogue. These priorities have been formulated through extensive bipartite and tripartite discussions and consultations at both provincial and national levels, ensuring solid foundation rooted in on-the-ground realities.
Through coherent policies and integrated actions, it is anticipated that Nepal will mitigate prevalent decent work deficits across various economic sectors, attracting more investments and creating more decent jobs.
The DWCP Nepal is built upon three pillars: Employment, Rights and Social Dialogue. These priorities have been formulated through extensive bipartite and tripartite discussions and consultations at both provincial and national levels, ensuring solid foundation rooted in on-the-ground realities.
Through coherent policies and integrated actions, it is anticipated that Nepal will mitigate prevalent decent work deficits across various economic sectors, attracting more investments and creating more decent jobs.
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Decent work
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