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Conference Committee on the Application of Standards

The Conference Committee on the Application of Standards, a standing tripartite body of the International Labour Conference and an essential component of the ILO’s supervisory system, examines each year the report published by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendation

The annual report of the Committee of Experts, usually adopted in December, is submitted to the International Labour Conference the following June, where it is examined by the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards

A standing committee of the Conference, the Conference Committee is made up of government, employer, and worker delegates. It examines the report in a tripartite setting and selects from it a number of observations for discussion. The governments referred to in these comments are invited to respond before the Conference Committee and to provide information on the situation in question. In many cases the Conference Committee draws up conclusions recommending that governments take specific steps to remedy a problem or to invite ILO missions or technical assistance. 

The discussions and conclusions of the situations examined by the Conference Committee are published in its report. Situations of special concern are highlighted in special paragraphs of its General Report.

List of all meetings and reports of the Committee

Meetings and reports of the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards
Committee of application of Standards - June 2023

Meetings and reports of the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards

Key resource

The Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference: A dynamic and impact built on decades of dialogue and persuasion
Cover page of the publication "The Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference: A dynamic and impact built on decades of dialogue and persuasion"

The Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference: A dynamic and impact built on decades of dialogue and persuasion