Belgium – ILO Partnership
7 projects
Belgium currently funds 7 ILO development cooperation projects worldwide
17th in top 20
Belgium ranks 17th in the ILO list of voluntary funding contributors in 2022-23
US$ 14.1 million
Belgium has contributed US$14.1 million to ILO voluntary non-core funding in 2018-23
Belgium is a key partner in the pursuit of decent work all.
In Ukraine, Belgium supports the prevention of labour exploitation and human trafficking, small enterprise development as well as workers’ and employers’ organizations to maintain current and develop new services for their members. Furthermore, Belgium contributes to green jobs creation in Morocco and to the promotion of decent work in South Africa’s clothing manufacturing sector.
The ILO works closely with the
The Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
The Belgian Development Agency, ENABEL
The Government of Flanders, Department of Foreign Affairs
The Government of Wallonia
The Federal Public Service Employment-Labour and Social Dialogue
Furthermore, the ILO benefits from Belgian expertise through the country’s participation in the Junior Professional Officer programme.
In addition to its contributions for specific themes and projects, Belgium contributed US$ 6.2 million to the ILO Regular Budget Supplementary Account in 2022-23, allowing the Office to allocate these funds flexibly when and where they are most needed.
For more information see Belgium Country portal.
Building Social Protection Floors for All - Belgium Partner in development
Flanders finances ILO Global Programme on skills and lifelong learning
UN General Assembly, SDG Action Weekend, High Impact Initiatives
21 million euros pledged at UNGA for Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions