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It’s World Day of safety and health at work!
Textile workers in Romania

It’s World Day of safety and health at work!

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work (28 April) serves to raise awareness about occupational safety and health and gives us an opportunity to talk about the causes of work-related injuries, diseases, and fatalities, and measures to prevent them. This year, on Occupational Safety and Health Day, the focus is on the impact of climate change.

ILO Financial Education brochure
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ILO Financial Education brochure

This brochure introduces the main objectives and characteristics of the ILO Financial Education programme including the key elements of the ILO approach, the major results achieved by the programme as well as its key features and implementation modalities. It provides an overview of what makes the ILO Financial Education programme uniquely positioned to reach vulnerable communities and provide them with vital financial literacy skills.

ILO Director-General launches new EU-backed project to strengthen labour market institutions in the Republic of Moldova, during first joint ILO-European Commission visit to the country
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Employment creation in Moldova

ILO Director-General launches new EU-backed project to strengthen labour market institutions in the Republic of Moldova, during first joint ILO-European Commission visit to the country

Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo also held high level meetings with senior officials, including the President of Moldova, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Labour and Social Protection and the ILO’s social partners.

ILO Financial Education brochure
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ILO Financial Education brochure

This brochure introduces the main objectives and characteristics of the ILO Financial Education programme including the key elements of the ILO approach, the major results achieved by the programme as well as its key features and implementation modalities. It provides an overview of what makes the ILO Financial Education programme uniquely positioned to reach vulnerable communities and provide them with vital financial literacy skills.

Meet the Technical Specialist: Magnus Berge, Workers' organisations
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Meet the Technical Specialist: Magnus Berge, Workers' organisations

Magnus Berge, Technical Specialist of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe explains how the ILO assist trade unions so that they can promote better working conditions and rights for workers in the sub-region.

Meet the ILO Specialist: Maria José Chamorro, Gender equality
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Meet the ILO Specialist: Maria José Chamorro, Gender equality

Maria José Chamorro is the Gender Specialist of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe. Her mission is to support governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations to design and implement policies to create an enabling environment for women who need to or wish to engage in paid work. In this video, she explains her strategy to achieve that, talks about her results and motivation to work for gender equality.

Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?
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Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union competition?

Promotion of social justice essential for sustainable and equitable recovery, ILO tells EU ministers
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Informal EPSCO

Promotion of social justice essential for sustainable and equitable recovery, ILO tells EU ministers

Speaking to EU ministers of employment and social affairs, the ILO Director-General underlined the need to put social justice back at the centre of policy-making, using concerted and decisive action.

Beneficiary story: With ILO assistance, two young Roma women "embroider" their way into the world of business in Moldova
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Local Employment Partnerships

Beneficiary story: With ILO assistance, two young Roma women "embroider" their way into the world of business in Moldova

Half a year ago, the twin sisters Ana and Anastasia Dohan from the town of Soroca, located in the northern part of Moldova, did not know how to handle the needle and the thread. Today, they create small tales on canvas and shape their future on the job market.

Strengthening childcare provision in Moldova through public and private efforts – opportunities and constraints
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Strengthening childcare provision in Moldova through public and private efforts – opportunities and constraints

Market system analysis of the childcare sector in Moldova. The report provides recommendations for various interventions that should support the implementation of the legislation.

Retrospective on challenges and successes - Interview with Markus Pilgrim, Director of ILO Central and Eastern Europe stepping down
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Staff news

Retrospective on challenges and successes - Interview with Markus Pilgrim, Director of ILO Central and Eastern Europe stepping down

Markus Pilgrim retires after long and successful service at the ILO. During his tenure as Director, the ILO Central and Eastern Europe Office managed to further raise its profile as a specialised technical agency on world of work issues and to expand its portfolio.

Strengthening childcare provision in Moldova through public and private efforts – opportunities and constraints
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Strengthening childcare provision in Moldova through public and private efforts – opportunities and constraints

Market system analysis of the childcare sector in Moldova

Workers’ rights in Europe in decline, says ITUC Global Rights Index 2023
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Trade unions

Workers’ rights in Europe in decline, says ITUC Global Rights Index 2023

In July 2023, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) released its 10th Global Rights Index. The report paints a grim picture of workers’ rights around the globe. According to ITUC, Europe is no longer a bastion of workers’ rights.

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July

The newsletter covers the support the ILO CEE Office gave to Ukraine during the war, recent results in Albania, the Youth Guarantee in the Western Balkans, and new projects recently signed by the office. It is an important development that the Office also serves Georgia as of July 2023. In addition, we introduce fresh publications and newly joined staff.

ILO support to Ukraine during the war
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ILO support to Ukraine during the war

From the start of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the ILO, thanks to the flexibility of its donors, repurposed its ongoing programmes to respond to the challenges posed by the war.

“Ukraine works!” 5-year ILO project closes with improved occupational health and safety standards and more effective State Labour Inspectorate
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International Labour Standards

“Ukraine works!” 5-year ILO project closes with improved occupational health and safety standards and more effective State Labour Inspectorate

The EU-funded project provided assistance to strengthen the Ukrainian State Labour Inspection with the long-term objective of contributing to a safe, healthy and declared work in Ukraine. In addition, the project had to respond to some of the challenges posed by the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It informed Ukrainian refugees about the danger of forced labour and human trafficking, helped enterprises with business continuity during martial law, and piloted psychosocial support for workers.

An empirical assessment of the minimum wage for evidence-based social dialogue in the Republic of Moldova
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An empirical assessment of the minimum wage for evidence-based social dialogue in the Republic of Moldova

This report provides a detailed empirical analysis of wage distribution and wage policies in the Republic of Moldova in order to improve the minimum wage system so that it is more effective in raising the living standards of the population in the country.

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 March
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 March

This issue, among others, reports on the ILO response to the crisis in Ukraine caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation, after one year of war. The newsletter also introduces programme results and new projects, including an EU- and SIDA-funded 5-million EUR project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and new collaborations with SECO and GIZ. Fresh publications and new staff are also featured in the newsletter.

ILO and SECO launch collaboration to accelerate employment creation in Moldova
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Employment creation

ILO and SECO launch collaboration to accelerate employment creation in Moldova

The ILO and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) combined efforts for employment promotion, skills development, and formalization to create new jobs especially for rural communities and vulnerable populations including youth and women in the Republic of Moldova.

ILO Director-General visits Republic of Moldova
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14–16 February

ILO Director-General visits Republic of Moldova

During his two-day stay, the Director-General will have discussions with the Moldovan President and ILO constituents on the impact of the war in neighbouring Ukraine.