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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Arab States Seminar
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Arab States Seminar

The Employment-Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) held a successful regional workshop in Jordan from 27 to 29 February 2024. The workshop brought together participants from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Yemen, and Lebanon, along with technical specialists from the International Labour Organization (ILO) regional office and Geneva. Through engaging discussions and interactive sessions, participants explored various approaches to employment-intensive interventions and their impact on sustainable development in the Arab States region.

The UAE introduces voluntary pensions to replace end-of-service indemnities, joining an increasing trend of reforms across the GCC countries
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The UAE introduces voluntary pensions to replace end-of-service indemnities, joining an increasing trend of reforms across the GCC countries

Bahrain takes leap forward in enhancing end-of-service rights for migrant workers
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Bahrain takes leap forward in enhancing end-of-service rights for migrant workers

A new provident fund for end-of-service indemnity for migrant workers is established in the Social Insurance Organization as part of GCC-wide reforms to reform social protection systems in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development
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EIIP regional workshop

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development

ILO' apprenticeship training empowers Youth and women in Yemen
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ILO' apprenticeship training empowers Youth and women in Yemen

393 Yemeni Youth and women have been graduated with enhanced employability skills in the Hajja and Almahiwt Governorates in an important step towards fostering resilient livelihoods in the country. The initiative is part of a project funded by the European Union and the Swedish Government.

Apprenticeship programme inspires new beginnings in Lahj Governorate, Yemen
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Apprenticeship programme inspires new beginnings in Lahj Governorate, Yemen

In Radfan District, Lahj Governorate, 74 young apprentices (35 women) have graduated from a training programme to support their success in the local job market.

Access to social protection for Nepalese migrant workers in countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC).
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Access to social protection for Nepalese migrant workers in countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC).

Social protection coverage for national and migrant workers in the formal private sector in the GCC countries.
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Social protection coverage for national and migrant workers in the formal private sector in the GCC countries.

The infographic charts the systems of social protection available for workers in the private sector in each country of the GCC.

ILO Regional Director’s visit to Yemen aims to increase support to constituents and crisis-affected communities across the country
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ILO Regional Director’s visit to Yemen aims to increase support to constituents and crisis-affected communities across the country

ILO Regional Director for Arab States Ruba Jaradat said the visit marks a renewed commitment by the ILO to help build resilience across all areas of Yemen by creating decent jobs and livelihoods.

Empowering Yemen's Youth: Changing Lives Through Education and Opportunity
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Empowering Yemen's Youth: Changing Lives Through Education and Opportunity

New on-line application developed to facilitate implementation of Emergency Employment Programmes in Yemen
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New on-line application developed to facilitate implementation of Emergency Employment Programmes in Yemen

The new application, developed by the Public Works Project (PWP) in Yemen in collaboration with the ILO will consolidate data from the field on Emergency Employment Programmes, to improve monitoring, reporting and follow-up on projects through their different phases of implementation.

ILO conducts refresher Training of Trainers workshop in Aden
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ILO conducts refresher Training of Trainers workshop in Aden

The workshop is a step toward institutionalizing Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) packages in Yemen.

Review of National Social Protection Legislation and Legal Frameworks for Migrant Workers in the Gulf Countries
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Review of National Social Protection Legislation and Legal Frameworks for Migrant Workers in the Gulf Countries

Extending social protection to migrant workers in the Gulf Countries

Reforming end-of-service indemnity for migrant workers in Member States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
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Reforming end-of-service indemnity for migrant workers in Member States of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)

Policy options for the progressive realization of international social security standards

Social protection coverage for national and migrant workers in the Arab World
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Social protection coverage for national and migrant workers in the Arab World

The factsheet highlights important points such as the coverage for old age, disability, and survivors, employment injury, sickness, medical care, maternity, unemployment, and family benefits.

ILO and PWP launch training on community contracting for Yemeni Women
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Women Empowerment

ILO and PWP launch training on community contracting for Yemeni Women

Women from across Yemen will be trained by the end of two workshops on gender-responsive community contracting

A journey through Yemen’s labour market
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A journey through Yemen’s labour market

A new collection of ILO photos captures Yemeni workers and employers at work, demonstrating their struggles, perseverance and optimism for a better future.

Yemen Country Profile: Productivity growth, diversification, and structural change in the Arab States
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Yemen Country Profile: Productivity growth, diversification, and structural change in the Arab States

ILO leads MENA leadership programme to promote a just transition to a green future of work
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ILO leads MENA leadership programme to promote a just transition to a green future of work

Worker, employer and government representatives from the region met online to gain a better understanding gained a better understanding of how to shape policies to implement climate change commitments.

The ILO and Yemen’s development fund pledge to further promote decent work for the most vulnerable
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The ILO and Yemen’s development fund pledge to further promote decent work for the most vulnerable

A new agreement will see increased cooperation on generating labour market data, creating short term decent jobs, and promoting social protection and gender inclusion.