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Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa [Cover]

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.

Core Voluntary Funding (RBSA) for ILO development cooperation (Update, June 2023)
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Core Voluntary Funding (RBSA) for ILO development cooperation (Update, June 2023)

This fact sheet describes recent developments in the RBSA funding modality, its allocation and management, monitoring and evaluation, and results to date. It summarizes trends in 2018-2023, and provides details on contributions for 2016-22.

Unchartered waters: ILO signs MoU with the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea
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Unchartered waters: ILO signs MoU with the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea

The ILO joins forces with the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) through a Memorandum of Understanding focused on the need to promote decent work and the elimination of forced labour in the fishing industry.

The importance of just transitions and labour mobility as mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change
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The importance of just transitions and labour mobility as mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change

A discussion organized by the ILO examined how climate change has a profound impact on labour markets, displacement and migration, necessitating mitigation and adaptation strategies and decisive action to protect migrant workers and include them in just transition strategies.

Regional Dialogue on Climate Change and Migration Nexus in the Arab Region
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Regional Dialogue on Climate Change and Migration Nexus in the Arab Region

Discussions examined the impact of climate change on migration patterns and trends to and from the Arab Region and how these patterns impact different vulnerable groups on the move.

Liberia ratifies the Equal Remuneration Convention and the Minimum Age Convention
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Liberia ratifies the Equal Remuneration Convention and the Minimum Age Convention

Liberia has now ratified eight fundamental Conventions. There are eleven ILO fundamental instruments (10 Conventions and one Protocol) following the decision, at the 110th Session of the ILC this June, to include safe and healthy working conditions in the ILO’s framework of fundamental principles and rights at work. They cover five core principles and rights at work: the abolition of forced labour, the elimination of child labour, equality and non-discrimination at work, freedom of association and collective bargaining, and a safe and healthy working environment.

Liberia ratifies the Equal Remuneration Convention and the Minimum Age Convention
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Liberia ratifies the Equal Remuneration Convention and the Minimum Age Convention

Liberia and Turkmenistan ratify the 1986 Constitutional Amendment
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Liberia and Turkmenistan ratify the 1986 Constitutional Amendment

Consultancy Opportunity: Value chain selection study - Selection of two value chains with potential for more and better jobs for women in two border points between Liberia and Sierra Leone
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Consultancy Opportunity: Value chain selection study - Selection of two value chains with potential for more and better jobs for women in two border points between Liberia and Sierra Leone

The ILO is looking for a Local Researcher (one in Sierra Leone, one in Liberia) to undertake field research in two border points between Sierra Leone and Liberia as part of a sector selection process (step 1) focused on women cross border traders. Local Researchers will work under the guidance and supervision of a Lead Consultant with experience in the ILO’s approach to value chain development.

Joining nets across countries and waters to better protect fishers and their stock
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Joining nets across countries and waters to better protect fishers and their stock

World Social Protection Report 2020–22: Regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region
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World Social Protection Report 2020–22: Regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region

This regional companion report for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is intended to complement the ILO’s World Social Protection Report 2021–22. Social Protection at the Crossroads – in Pursuit of a Better Future. The regional companion report first gives a global perspective that is taken from the main report and outlines recent developments in social protection systems worldwide. It then highlights key developments, challenges and priorities for social protection in the MENA region.

Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

Join us for a regional virtual event to commemorate the World Day against Child Labour.

AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa
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AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF organized a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, to discuss strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

I commit the Office to work as one ILO to mainstream child labour issues into all relevant areas of work of the Abidjan Declaration implementation plan, in order to maximize our contribution to ending child labour in Africa. We will work closely with our tripartite Constituents to do so

Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7

The Action Plan seeks to contribute to and support the acceleration of progress towards the achievement of the Agenda 2063 – SDG 8.7 target. This involves ending child labour by 2025 and forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery by 2030. The target population are children, women and men who are victims of or vulnerable to the forms of exploitation addressed by the Agenda 2063 - SDG 8.7 target.

Profile and Analysis of Youth, Gender and Land Related Conflicts in Bong and Lofa Counties, Liberia
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Profile and Analysis of Youth, Gender and Land Related Conflicts in Bong and Lofa Counties, Liberia

This study informs, and is part of, the UN Peacebuilding Fund project “Sustaining peace and improving social cohesion through the promotion of rural employment opportunities for youth in conflict-prone areas”, implemented jointly by the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the World Food Programme (WFP). Its findings serve to support the analytical basis upon which project activities are designed and implemented, and the participation of local stakeholders throughout the project’s components.

Terms of Reference - Sustaining Peace and Improving Social Cohesion through the Promotion of Rural Employment Opportunities for Youth in Conflict-Prone areas.
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Expression of Interest

Terms of Reference - Sustaining Peace and Improving Social Cohesion through the Promotion of Rural Employment Opportunities for Youth in Conflict-Prone areas.

The ILO-Abuja Office is looking for an external collaborator to conduct a needs assessment for strengthening social cohesion and peacebuilding through cooperative development. Interested external collaborators should send an updated CV, a technical proposal as well as remuneration requirements (daily rates) by email to the ILO Country Office in Abuja ( by Friday, 21 August, at 6 PM Nigerian time. Applications not including the above information will not be considered. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

ILO and UNAIDS provide PPE and welfare items to PLW HIVAIDS to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19
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ILO and UNAIDS provide PPE and welfare items to PLW HIVAIDS to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19

In response to the call by the UNAIDS Executive Director, to reprogramme up to fifty percent (50%) of the 2020 UNAIDS country envelope funds for COVID-19 related activities, the ILO along with it partners donated assorted COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment and Rice to Four Networks of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Monrovia, on July 15, 2020.

Impact of COVID -19 on TVET in West Africa
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Impact of COVID -19 on TVET in West Africa

Technical Note on survey with TVET providers, policy-makers and social partners on addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in West Africa.

Message from ILO Regional Office for Africa to mark the World Day against Child Labour 12 June 2020
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World Day Against Child Labour

Message from ILO Regional Office for Africa to mark the World Day against Child Labour 12 June 2020

Most ILO programmes implemented in African countries, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, are now taking accelerated action on protecting the health, jobs and incomes of workers. These interventions include a focus on more comprehensive social protection, while at the same time ensuring continued education for children. The ILO is also expediting action to strengthen the capacity of government, including labour inspection and law enforcement, as well as organizations of workers and employers.