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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Arab States Seminar
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Arab States Seminar

The Employment-Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) held a successful regional workshop in Jordan from 27 to 29 February 2024. The workshop brought together participants from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Yemen, and Lebanon, along with technical specialists from the International Labour Organization (ILO) regional office and Geneva. Through engaging discussions and interactive sessions, participants explored various approaches to employment-intensive interventions and their impact on sustainable development in the Arab States region.

Work-Based Learning Programme for vulnerable communities affected by earthquakes in Aleppo, Syria: An Explainer
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Work-Based Learning Programme for vulnerable communities affected by earthquakes in Aleppo, Syria: An Explainer

How decent work for all paves the way to dignity and productivity
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ILO’s voices

How decent work for all paves the way to dignity and productivity

The ILO’s Project on Promoting Decent Work for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens works for contributing to building empowered societies that are equitable, inclusive, and sustainable. The project equips workers and job seekers with work-based learning and new skills, provides support to both employers and workers for creating and retaining new jobs, besides disseminates correct and comprehensive information about the access to formal work and training opportunities. Watch to hear ILO’s project staff speaking about how and why.

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development
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EIIP regional workshop

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development

ILO in Syria Early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-hit areas (February – December 2023)
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ILO in Syria Early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-hit areas (February – December 2023)

In response to multiple earthquakes that devastated Northern governorates of Syria, the International Labour Organization (ILO) mobilized internal crisis response funds to embark on employment-intensive infrastructure and livelihoods recovery initiatives in Aleppo, one of the worst-hit areas.

ILO initiative strengthens engineers’ capacities in post-earthquake Syria
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ILO initiative strengthens engineers’ capacities in post-earthquake Syria

An ILO workshop has provided engineers in Aleppo in northern Syrian with structural damage assessment equipment and trained them on its use, to support rehabilitating infrastructure and buildings damaged by last year’s earthquake.

After the earthquake: ILO projects contribute to recovery in Syria
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Our impact, their voices

After the earthquake: ILO projects contribute to recovery in Syria

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is helping communities in the city of Aleppo to rebuild after the earthquake in 2023.

My work with earthquake survivors in Türkiye gives me purpose
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My work with earthquake survivors in Türkiye gives me purpose

When multiple earthquakes struck Türkiye and Syria on 6 February 2023, Jin Dawod set to work matching survivors with therapists through her platform Peace Therapist. A Syrian refugee living in Türkiye, she knows first-hand how critical psycho-social support is to help people recover from trauma.

Japan to support employment-intensive recovery in the earthquake-hit areas in Aleppo, Syria
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Japan to support employment-intensive recovery in the earthquake-hit areas in Aleppo, Syria

Rehabilitating Dreams: The Human Voices behind Aleppo's School Rehabilitation Project
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Rehabilitating Dreams: The Human Voices behind Aleppo's School Rehabilitation Project

In the heart of Aleppo, amidst the rubble left by earthquakes, a beacon of hope emerged through the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s project to rehabilitate and revive three schools in Aleppo.

Providing therapy to all, including traumatized refugees and earthquake survivors
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ILO in action

Providing therapy to all, including traumatized refugees and earthquake survivors

Jin Dawod survived the horrors of the Syrian war and today lives in Türkiye where she founded Peace Therapist, an online platform that puts its users in contact with therapists who can support them in their native language, including by providing free therapy for all, including refugees traumatized by war as well as earthquake survivors.

ILO progresses in second phase of Aleppo employment-intensive community restoration project after earthquake
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ILO progresses in second phase of Aleppo employment-intensive community restoration project after earthquake

The ILO continues restoring local community health and safety by providing job opportunities in clearing rubble and debris from the neighbourhoods most affected by the February 2023 earthquake.

ILO Workshop aimed to boost agricultural cooperatives in Lebanon and Iraq and foster knowledge exchange
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ILO Workshop aimed to boost agricultural cooperatives in Lebanon and Iraq and foster knowledge exchange

The PROSPECTS Programme held a Training of Trainers workshop to address the needs of agricultural cooperatives in the region, raise awareness about their work, and enhance local capacities by establishing a network of qualified trainers.

ILO conducts a training of trainers for tripartite partners on Occupational Safety and Health in Syria
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ILO conducts a training of trainers for tripartite partners on Occupational Safety and Health in Syria

The training equipped participants with expertise in the field of occupational safety and health in various sectors of economic activity, especially in the construction sector.

Entrepreneurship has no boundaries
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Our impact, their voices

Entrepreneurship has no boundaries

New ILO project to rehabilitate schools damaged by earthquakes in Aleppo, Syria
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New ILO project to rehabilitate schools damaged by earthquakes in Aleppo, Syria

The project aims to address immediate livelihood needs of the affected communities through the creation of decent job opportunities, training local contractors in the application of labour-based technologies, and restoring safe access to education.

Earthquake adds further financial burden to already struggling households and workers in Aleppo
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Needs of households and workers in Syria

Earthquake adds further financial burden to already struggling households and workers in Aleppo

Many families are facing difficulties finding work and a stable source of income following the earthquake which hit the Syrian city of Aleppo in February 2023.

Rapid Assessment of the Needs of Households and Workers Affected by the Earthquake in Aleppo- Syria 2023
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Rapid Assessment of the Needs of Households and Workers Affected by the Earthquake in Aleppo- Syria 2023

This report aims to better understand the needs of households and workers affected by the February 2023 earthquake which struck the Syrian city of Aleppo, parts of which were severely damaged.

Jobs that help neighbourhoods recover from the earthquakes
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Jobs that help neighbourhoods recover from the earthquakes

Following the earthquakes that hit Syria and Türkiye earlier this year, ILO infrastructure recovery works engaged communities in clearing debris and rubble in Aleppo, making many streets accessible and creating hundreds of short-term jobs

A job changed my life as a refugee
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A job changed my life as a refugee

War in Syria forced Syrian Abdel Halim al Qasir and his family to flee to the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan. Becoming a facilitator for the ILO’s Job Search Club project and helping other refugees inside the camp find new careers and job opportunities, has given him renewed hope for his and his family’s future.