All resources for country
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.
Decent Work Country Programme
Decent Work Country Programme for Madagascar (2021-2023)
An appraisal of EIIP’s longer-term development impacts
The purpose of this study is to improve understanding of how the project implementation related activities of the Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) generate long-term development impacts which arise out of: (a) the benefits for users and the wider society of the improved assets, and (b) the employment and increased incomes of those employed on projects.
Call for expressions of interest
The ILO and the AU launch calls for expressions of interest for mapping studies on the social and solidarity economy in select countries in Africa
A Visionary Path Towards Fair and Ethical Recruitment in Africa
developing a robust Fair Recruitment Strategy designed specifically for Africa.
Towards more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains event
Project brochure: Decent work in supply chains
Advancing decent work in five global supply chains of key importance to the European Union for a fair, resilient, and sustainable COVID-19 crisis recovery.
Towards more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains
Supply chains
Study on decent work in the textile and clothing industry in Madagascar
In-depth qualitative and quantitative research on the challenges and opportunities for decent work along the textile and clothing supply chain in Madagascar.
Strategic Compliance Planning in action, Stories of Change
The stories chronicle practical uses of the ILO’s Strategic Compliance Planning (SCP) methodology to help labour inspectorates achieve measurable improvements in labour law compliance for over 500,000 workers across 12 Member States.
Joint ILO – IFAD event
ILO calls for strengthened partnerships to promote decent work for youth in rural Africa
The ILO and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) gathered Governments’, workers’ and employers representatives from Africa and key stakeholders to discuss how integrated agribusiness hubs can support decent jobs for young people in the region.
Request for Quotation
Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH
The ILO is seeking to recruit a service provider (firm) to support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for the “ProAgro YOUTH: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Malawi” project.
RfQ (Annex-I): Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for the “ProAgro YOUTH: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Malawi” project. Annex I - Terms of References
RfQ: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for ProAgro YOUTH
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services: Support the design and development of a multi-country monitoring, evaluation and knowledge learning system for the “ProAgro YOUTH: Support to integrated agribusiness hubs in Algeria, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and Malawi” project.
ILO launches a new report on decent work for a fair, resilient, and sustainable textile and clothing supply chain in Madagascar
A new report, launched in November 2022 in presence of ILO tripartite constituents and other key stakeholders of the sustainable textile and clothing supply chain in Madagascar, offers insight into the opportunities and challenges faced by the industry and the measures and policies needed to increase productivity and ensure decent work.
I am fighting against abusive domestic work
Myriam Raharilantosoa became a defender of Malagasy migrant domestic workers after finding out about the abuse suffered by her daughter at the hands of employers in Lebanon.
ILO co-hosts TICAD 8 Side Event
Human security and emergency jobs for peace and resilience/ Experiences through partnership between Japan and the ILO for the promotion of decent work agenda in the context of fragility
ILO and Embassy of Japan in Madagascar launch a project to strengthen community resilience against COVID-19 and drought
Antananarivo - 24 June 2022 - The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, the Embassy of Japan and the ILO in Madagascar officially launch a project aimed at strengthening community resilience against the COVID-19 crisis and drought through green works in Amboasary and Bekily districts
ILO in action
Madagascar trains task force on occupational safety and health
With the support of the ILO Vision Zero Fund (VZF), the government of Madagascar has trained hundreds of its labour inspectors on occupational safety and health. Project officer, Bernard Foe Andegue explains.
Promising practices for fair recruitment
Madagascar alignment of labour code to newly ratified conventions
This promising practice is part of a series, and results from a stocktaking exercise undertaken five years after the launch of the Fair Recruitment Initiative (FRI).
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