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Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
Cover of the Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

This report highlights why the multi-faceted dimensions of informality demand an integrated approach to formalization, outlines the nature of an integrated approach to employment formalization, reviews the extent that countries in Asia and the Pacific are applying integrated approaches to formalization, and provides examples and an action-oriented outline for advancing integrated approaches to formalization in the region.

ILO Financial Education brochure
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ILO Financial Education brochure

This brochure introduces the main objectives and characteristics of the ILO Financial Education programme including the key elements of the ILO approach, the major results achieved by the programme as well as its key features and implementation modalities. It provides an overview of what makes the ILO Financial Education programme uniquely positioned to reach vulnerable communities and provide them with vital financial literacy skills.

ILO Financial Education brochure
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ILO Financial Education brochure

This brochure introduces the main objectives and characteristics of the ILO Financial Education programme including the key elements of the ILO approach, the major results achieved by the programme as well as its key features and implementation modalities. It provides an overview of what makes the ILO Financial Education programme uniquely positioned to reach vulnerable communities and provide them with vital financial literacy skills.

ILO holds discussion on pathways to strengthen the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia
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ILO holds discussion on pathways to strengthen the social and solidarity economy in Mongolia

The workshop was held in hybrid format, in Ulaanbaatar and online, to review the findings of the draft study on the Social and Solidarity Economy in Mongolia.

Call for expression of interest: Two national consultants to conduct an assessment for developing a design of an e-formalization platform
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Job announcement

Call for expression of interest: Two national consultants to conduct an assessment for developing a design of an e-formalization platform

This consultancy aims to assess and identify the possibility of developing a platform or expanding functionalities for e-formalization, and to enable the registration process of informal businesses and workers. The lead consultant will formulate a draft strategy for the transition to formality using digital systems, with a clear framework and develop process mapping on existing government information systems in the context of e-formalization. The IT consultant will be responsible for assessing a technical and functional scope of the existing IT systems and infrastructure for establishing an integrated e-formalization platform or functionalities ensuring systems interoperability for MLSP based on the process mapping provided by the lead consultant. Interested individuals should submit their letter of interest together with CVs and daily professional fee expressed in USD including samples of past work. Please send to; by 6 pm (Ulaanbaatar time), 19 March 2024. For details, please see the document below.

Call for expression of interest: National consultant to develop operational tools and training modules on forced labour for judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and legal practitioners in Mongolia
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Job announcement

Call for expression of interest: National consultant to develop operational tools and training modules on forced labour for judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and legal practitioners in Mongolia

Forced labour affects Mongolian and migrant workers in Mongolia in various sectors, including mining, factory work, utilities, transportation, construction, customer service, health service, military conscripts, prisons, and sexual exploitation. Against this background, the the USDOL funded Bridge -II project that aims to improve the national capacity to eliminate forced labour in Mongolia will provide the government with technical support to develop operational tools and related training modules on forced labour for judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and legal practitioners. This work will be implemented in partnership with the Coordination Council for Crime Prevention under the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs. Interested individuals should submit their letter of interest together with CVs and daily professional fee expressed in MNT including samples of past work. Please send to; by 12 pm (Ulaanbaatar time), 4 March 2024. For details, please see the document below.

Call for expression of interest: International consultant to develop operational tools and training modules on forced labour for judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and legal practitioners in Mongolia
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Job announcement

Call for expression of interest: International consultant to develop operational tools and training modules on forced labour for judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and legal practitioners in Mongolia

Forced labour affects Mongolian and migrant workers in Mongolia in various sectors, including mining, factory work, utilities, transportation, construction, customer service, health service, military conscripts, prisons, and sexual exploitation. Against this background, the the USDOL funded Bridge -II project that aims to improve the national capacity to eliminate forced labour in Mongolia will provide the government with technical support to develop operational tools and related training modules on forced labour for judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and legal practitioners. This work will be implemented in partnership with the Coordination Council for Crime Prevention under the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs. Interested individuals should submit their letter of interest together with CVs and daily professional fee expressed in USD including samples of past work. Please send to; by 12 pm (Ulaanbaatar time), 4 March 2024. For details, please see the document below.

Call for expression of interest: International consultant to develop labour inspection tools and training modules on forced labour for Mongolian labour inspectors
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Job announcement

Call for expression of interest: International consultant to develop labour inspection tools and training modules on forced labour for Mongolian labour inspectors

Forced labour affects Mongolian and migrant workers in Mongolia in various sectors, including mining, factory work, utilities, transportation, construction, customer service, health service, military conscripts, prisons, and sexual exploitation. According to an ILO supported training needs assessment of labour inspectors (2021), capacity building is needed in dealing with forced labour situations and monitoring employment and working conditions of migrant workers in Mongolia. Against this background, the USDOL funded Bridge -II project that aims to improve the national capacity to eliminate forced labour in Mongolia will provide the government, in particular MLSP with technical support to develop labour inspection tools on forced labour and related training modules for labour inspectors. Interested individuals should submit their letter of interest together with CVs and daily professional fee expressed in USD including samples of past work. Please send to; by 12 pm (Ulaanbaatar time), 1 March 2024. For details, please see the document below.

Call for expression of interest: National consultant to develop labour inspection tools and training modules on forced labour for Mongolian labour inspectors
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Job announcement

Call for expression of interest: National consultant to develop labour inspection tools and training modules on forced labour for Mongolian labour inspectors

Forced labour affects Mongolian and migrant workers in Mongolia in various sectors, including mining, factory work, utilities, transportation, construction, customer service, health service, military conscripts, prisons, and sexual exploitation. According to an ILO supported training needs assessment of labour inspectors (2021), capacity building is needed in dealing with forced labour situations and monitoring employment and working conditions of migrant workers in Mongolia. Against this background, the USDOL funded Bridge -II project that aims to improve the national capacity to eliminate forced labour in Mongolia will provide the government, in particular MLSP with technical support to develop labour inspection tools on forced labour and related training modules for labour inspectors. Interested individuals should submit their letter of interest together with CVs and daily professional fee expressed in MNT including samples of past work. Please send to; by 12 pm (Ulaanbaatar time), 1 March 2024. For details, please see the document below.

Call for expression of interest: National Project Coordinator (NOA)
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Job announcement

Call for expression of interest: National Project Coordinator (NOA)

The ILO has been assisting Mongolia, with EU financial support, in monitoring and reporting on the status of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (FPRW) in the country to boost its benefits from the EU GSP+ schemes since 2015, and to accelerate the pace of legal reform, adopt a mix of approaches that cultivate social consensus, increase technical capacity on ILS and effectively use them, and heighten political commitments to accelerate process of reform is necessary. This development cooperation project is a part of ILO Global Project supported by EU and managed by the ILO Headquarter in Geneva, to be implemented in Mongolia with an objective to strengthen Mongolia’s participation in the EU’s GSP programme by enhancing its capacity to discharge its reporting obligations. The first phase of the project was implemented in 2021-2023, and more information can be found here, ILS Compliance and Reporting: Trade for Decent Work Project ( The second phase of the project will be implemented from January 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2027. The National Project Coordinator is responsible for planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the project, in close collaboration with ILO constituents in the country.

Reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment: An ILO toolkit for Mongolian journalists
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Reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment: An ILO toolkit for Mongolian journalists

This toolkit was developed to help journalists report on fair recruitment and forced labour.

Extending social protection coverage among Mongolian herders: Closing the social protection coverage gap for Mongolian herders
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Social security

Extending social protection coverage among Mongolian herders: Closing the social protection coverage gap for Mongolian herders

This policy brief highlights challenges that hinder the inclusion of herders in social protection coverage. Some policy options that can increase the coverage have been considered based on international experience and ILO social security norms and principles.

Social protection diagnostic review: From a schematic to systems approach for social protection
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Social security

Social protection diagnostic review: From a schematic to systems approach for social protection

The objective of this study is to assist social dialogue in Mongolia by building evidence and engaging with constituents to make recommendations pertaining to the future of social protection in the country.

Understanding the contribution of the social and solidarity economy to sustainable development in Mongolia
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Understanding the contribution of the social and solidarity economy to sustainable development in Mongolia

On November 30, 2023 participants at the Mongolian Entrepreneurship Conference 2023 explored ways that social and solidarity economy entities in Mongolia can contribute to decent work and Sustainable Development Goals.

Call for expression of interest: National Consultant to develop standard templates for the types of employment contracts in accordance with the Labour Law
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Call for expression of interest: National Consultant to develop standard templates for the types of employment contracts in accordance with the Labour Law

The consultancy aims to support the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP) in developing standard employment contract templates provided for in the Labour Law. With the development of standard employment contract templates, it is expected that the rights of both the informal employers and workers will be protected, ensuring a smooth employment relationship.

Call for expression of interest - National Consultant (3 persons) to support organization of a workshop for Mongolian journalists and media personnel to report on forced labour and work as a resource person for trainings in the future.
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Bridge project

Call for expression of interest - National Consultant (3 persons) to support organization of a workshop for Mongolian journalists and media personnel to report on forced labour and work as a resource person for trainings in the future.

With a view to raising public awareness about forced labour and fair recruitment, the ILO supported the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM) in adapting and updating an ILO toolkit for journalists to the Mongolian contexts and training of journalists and media professionals. The toolkit aims at helping journalists to uncover a range of strong story ideas on forced labour and abusive recruitment practices and present them in an accurate way.

Call for expression of interest - National Consultant to update the ILO toolkit for Mongolian journalists on reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment
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Bridge project

Call for expression of interest - National Consultant to update the ILO toolkit for Mongolian journalists on reporting on forced labour and fair recruitment

With a view to raising public awareness about forced labour and fair recruitment, the ILO supported the National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia (NHRCM) in adapting an ILO toolkit for journalists to the Mongolian contexts and training of journalists and media professionals in 2020. The toolkit aims at helping journalists to uncover a range of strong story ideas on forced labour and abusive recruitment practices and present them in an accurate way. The consultant will update and localize the 2020 version of the ILO toolkit.

The better jobs, the better tomorrow for Mongolia
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Decent work country programme

The better jobs, the better tomorrow for Mongolia

The ILO and the tripartite constituents of Mongolia agreed to work together for better Mongolia through decent work in next five years.

Investments in childcare for gender equality in Asia and the Pacific
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Gender equality and women workers

Investments in childcare for gender equality in Asia and the Pacific

The report highlights why and how investing in childcare impacts positively on gender equality and decent work in Asia and the Pacific.