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More and better jobs through trade and investments with METI
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More and better jobs through trade and investments with METI

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?
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Fifth UfM Trade and Investment Forum

Trade provides economic opportunities, but can this be translated into decent jobs for all?

The ILO’s Director of the Employment Policy, Job Creation and Livelihoods Department, Sangheon Lee, advocates for stronger alignment of trade, investment and employment policies for translating economic opportunities into decent employment realities during the 5th UfM Trade and Investment Forum.

ILO launches funding appeal to respond to critical needs of Palestinian workers and employers
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Labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

ILO launches funding appeal to respond to critical needs of Palestinian workers and employers

Funding sought to implement ILO’s three-phase programme to provide immediate relief to impacted groups and support longer-term job and business recovery and social protection.

Executive summary: Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries
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Thematic Report

Executive summary: Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Summary of the Thematic Report of the "Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood" Programme (METI)

Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries
Cover for METI report on Trade, investments and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Thematic Report

Trade, investment and employment in the Southern Mediterranean Countries

Thematic Report of the "Mainstreaming Employment into Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood" Programme (METI).

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Global Compact on Migration

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Israel - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2016-2018)
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Israel - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2016-2018)

Measuring Curricula Mismatch for Food Processing and Tourism Sectors in Belize
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Measuring Curricula Mismatch for Food Processing and Tourism Sectors in Belize

A look at the degree to which labour demands are met by educational institutions

Israel - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2017)
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Israel - Country baselines under the ILO Declaration (2000-2017)

ILO calls for urgent action to provide decent work for Palestinian workers
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Occupied Arab territories

ILO calls for urgent action to provide decent work for Palestinian workers

Five decades of occupation have created pervasive unemployment and a fragmented and ineffective labour market in the occupied Arab territories, rendering the reactivation of the peace process an urgent necessity, an ILO annual report says.

Job quality in segmented labour markets: The Israeli case Country case study on labour market segmentation
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Conditions of Work and Employment Series No. 55

Job quality in segmented labour markets: The Israeli case Country case study on labour market segmentation

ILO: Employment outlook bleak for Palestinians, Gaza a “tinderbox”
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Occupied Arab Territories

ILO: Employment outlook bleak for Palestinians, Gaza a “tinderbox”

The ILO’s annual report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories calls for resumption of negotiations and the lifting of restrictions to improve the situation of Palestinian workers and entrepreneurs.

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Israel: How training can help reduce a labour shortage
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Israel: How training can help reduce a labour shortage

Social Dialogue for Workplace Learning Case Study Series 2012.

Events Report: 2012 World Day for Safety and Health at Work
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Events Report: 2012 World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The document outlines the activities that took place around the world on the occasion of the 2012 SafeDay.

Growth, Economic Policies and Employment Linkages: Israel
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Growth, Economic Policies and Employment Linkages: Israel

Employment Working Paper No. 83

Growth, Economic Policies and Employment Linkages in Mediterranean Countries: The cases of Egypt, Israel, Morocco and Turkey
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Growth, Economic Policies and Employment Linkages in Mediterranean Countries: The cases of Egypt, Israel, Morocco and Turkey

Employment Working Paper No. 63

National Labour Law Profile: The State of Israel
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National Labour Law Profile: The State of Israel

News: Support for Migrant Workers in Israel
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News: Support for Migrant Workers in Israel

Country Brief 2: Building Safe Passage for Women's Employment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
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Country Brief 2: Building Safe Passage for Women's Employment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip