All resources for country
Having an income reduces HIV stigma and discrimination
Sixty-year old Regina Katungu Chileshe is an entrepreneur living with HIV in Zambia. She is a member of an HIV support group that works to overcome stigma in the community, thanks to an income generation project supported by the International Labour Organization and UNAIDS.
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.
Protecting mining workers’ safety and health through South-South Cooperation between ILO, China and Zambia
The ILO, Ministry of Emergency Management of China and key stakeholders in Zambia joined hands in making a contribution towards protecting mining workers’ safe and health in Zambia through a South-South Cooperation Programme on building the capacity of mining companies.
Newsletter issue No.12
August 2023 Newsletter
This edition features interesting articles on various topics ranging from; promotion of decent work agenda, expansion of social protection programmes, promotion of employment opportunities, elimination of child labour, and promotion of social dialogue. All these are meant to showcase the impact of our interventions in people’s lives in Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique
TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9
TRANSFORM Newsletter: Issue 9
TRANSFORM is an innovative learning initiative on the implementation of national social protection floors in Africa. It promotes critical thinking and builds capacity at national and subnational levels to improve the design, effectiveness and efficiency of social protection systems. To learn more, download the TRANSFORM E-newsletter.
Labour Force Survey
2022 annual Labour Force Survey
The Labour Force Survey is a household-based sample survey conducted by the Zambia Statistics Agency in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security. The LFS collects data on the labour market activities from eligible individuals in selected households.
Terms of reference
Call for consultants: Assessment of MSME barriers to social protection in Zambia
The ILO is inviting applications from national consultants to undertake a diagnostic study to identify social protection barriers facing Zambian MSMEs (formal and informal) and understand ways in which existing contributory schemes can be adapted to MSME needs to promote their registration and coverage to social protection and encourage transition to formality.
Our impact, their voice
Moving Families out of poverty through the One Stop Shop
Life was not easy for Imasuku Mubiana after her husband left her in 2015. As a middle aged woman who relied on her husband for financial provision. Imasuku had no choice but to take up his role in fending for the family.
Building blocks - Sub-regional tripartite workshop on promoting social dialogue and decent work in the railways sector
Call for expressions of interest
The ILO and the AU launch calls for expressions of interest for mapping studies on the social and solidarity economy in select countries in Africa
Call for expressions of interest
Mapping study on the social and solidarity economy in ZAMBIA
Preliminary report
2022 Census of Population And Housing
Zambia conducted her first E-census in 2022. This was the sixth National Census of Population and Housing conducted in Zambia since independence in 1964. So far the country has conducted censuses in 1969, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010. The 2022 Census of Population and Housing was carried out from 18th August to 21st September, 2022.
Final report 28th October 2022
An assessment of skills supply and demand for renewable energy, energy efficiency and regional energy integration
The SADC region relies heavily on energy produced from coal and water and has over the years grappled with an energy crisis seen through insufficient and inefficient energy supply. This crisis is mostly a result of a changing climate including droughts, outdated infrastructure and the depletion of natural resources. These natural resources include coal and gas and their use for power generation further contributes to climate change, who’s impacts are being faced globally. There has therefore been a desire and a call to shift towards renewable energy (RE) in the SADC region, which has the resources and conditions to make this shift. This is driven by the SADC Protocol on Energy and the various national policies. The SADC Protocol on Energy (SADC 20 identifies a number of strategic plans over the last 10 years which builds on previous policy. These include “the Regional Energy Access Strategy and Action Plan 2020 to2030 (SADC, 2020), the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Action Plan 2016 to 2030 (SADC, 2016), the SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Programme and the development of the Regional Gas Master Plan” (SADC, 1996).
Capacity Building Booklet
Capacity Building Booklet for Micro, Small And Medium Enterprise (MSME) Associations In Zambia
This Capacity Building Booklet for MSME Associations is the key to ensure growth and sustainability of Zambian MSME Associations.
National Action Plan
National Action Plan For Improving And Strengthening The Labour Market Information And Skills Anticipation System In Zambia (2023 – 2027)
The Republic of Zambia envisions to being a “Prosperous Middle Income Country by the year 2030”. In so doing, national planning has been directed towards earning middle income status. Over the years, Zambia has made significant economic strides having recorded an average economic growth rate of 7% in the early years of the millennium, and saw Zambia being upgraded to lower middle income status by the World Bank in 2012. Despite this positive economic outlook, Zambia’s Human Development Index was at 0.584, ranking 146 of 189 in the 2019 (2020 Human Development Report).
National Migration Policy 2022
Migration has become topical at the global, continental and regional levels due to its scope, scale and complexity. Migration yields significant benefits for both origin and destination countries. In countries of destination, the benefits of migration include filling critical skills gaps, improved productivity, increased output, and cultural diversity. In countries of origin, on the other hand, migration is beneficial in terms of remittances by migrants, diaspora investment, knowledge, technology and skills transfer from return migrants. Migration contributes to economic growth and improves food security and rural livelihoods. Orderly, safe and regular migration underpins the achievement of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development including poverty alleviation, hunger and decent work among others. Migration has both positive and negative impacts on culture, identity, societal norms and values. If not well managed, migration presents security and socio–economic challenges for origin, transit and destination countries.
Information brief - Employment impact assessment of the Zambian Great North Road Upgrading (GNRU) project
Newsletter issue No.12
April 2023 Newsletter
The April 2023 Newsletter features interesting articles covering a wide range of topics and subjects involving development cooperation projects and events that occurred between January 2023 to May 2023.
Teaching and the teaching profession in a digital world - Zambia
The study examines experiences, challenges and good practices in relation to digitalization in teaching and education in Zambia and identifies actionable measures to address the challenges and ensure equitable access to quality digital education services.
Employment impact assessment of the Zambian Great North Road Upgrading (GNRU) project
Ex-ante assessment of the temporary and permanent employment impacts of the Zambian Great North Road Upgrading (GNRU) project.
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