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Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa [Cover]

Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa

This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.

Health sector investment impacts on employment and economic growth: A panel ARDL analysis in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
Health sector investment impacts on employment and economic growth: A panel ARDL analysis in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)

Health sector investment impacts on employment and economic growth: A panel ARDL analysis in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso
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Social protection

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso

Five decrees implementing on the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) adopted by the Council of Ministers

Measurement, awareness raising, and policy engagement project (MAP16) in Niger
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Measurement, awareness raising, and policy engagement project (MAP16) in Niger

Case Study: Update on improving apprenticeship in the informal economy in Niger
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Case Study: Update on improving apprenticeship in the informal economy in Niger

The education system in Niger has poor internal efficiency, with one of the lowest enrolment rates in Africa. The majority of young people outside the education system learn trades in enterprises in the craft sector, which in Niger has at least 900,000 workers in 206 trades.

Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

I commit the Office to work as one ILO to mainstream child labour issues into all relevant areas of work of the Abidjan Declaration implementation plan, in order to maximize our contribution to ending child labour in Africa. We will work closely with our tripartite Constituents to do so

AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa
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AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF organized a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, to discuss strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

Join us for a regional virtual event to commemorate the World Day against Child Labour.

Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7
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Ten Year Action Plan on the Eradication of Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery In Africa (2020-2030): Agenda 2063-SDG Target 8.7

The Action Plan seeks to contribute to and support the acceleration of progress towards the achievement of the Agenda 2063 – SDG 8.7 target. This involves ending child labour by 2025 and forced labour, human trafficking and modern slavery by 2030. The target population are children, women and men who are victims of or vulnerable to the forms of exploitation addressed by the Agenda 2063 - SDG 8.7 target.

Study on quality apprenticeships in five West Africa countries: Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Togo
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Study on quality apprenticeships in five West Africa countries: Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger and Togo

Message from ILO Regional Office for Africa to mark the World Day against Child Labour 12 June 2020
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World Day Against Child Labour

Message from ILO Regional Office for Africa to mark the World Day against Child Labour 12 June 2020

Most ILO programmes implemented in African countries, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, are now taking accelerated action on protecting the health, jobs and incomes of workers. These interventions include a focus on more comprehensive social protection, while at the same time ensuring continued education for children. The ILO is also expediting action to strengthen the capacity of government, including labour inspection and law enforcement, as well as organizations of workers and employers.

Exploring the potential for skills partnerships on migration in West Africa and Sahel
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Exploring the potential for skills partnerships on migration in West Africa and Sahel

Sub-regional study on skills systems and policies in place, migration flows and patterns, links between training and migration policies, and collaboration on skills anticipation, development and recognition within the sub-region.

SKILL-UP NIGER: Towards empowering women victims of modern slavery through skills development
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SKILL-UP NIGER: Towards empowering women victims of modern slavery through skills development

The International Labour Organization (ILO), with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, have launched a project in Niger to empower victims of forced labour through skills development.

ILO builds national capacity to analyze data on child and forced labor in Africa
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ILO builds national capacity to analyze data on child and forced labor in Africa

The International Labour Office under its project “Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in supply chains in Africa” (ACCEL Africa), conducts a training on data analysis relating to child labour and forced labour for 28 participants from national statistics offices, labour ministries and regional workers and employers' organizations of the Economic Community of the West Africa States (ECOWAS) and the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) in Africa.

UNHCR and ILO to launch a joint initiative to support the urbanization and economic integration process of Malian refugees in Niger
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UNHCR and ILO to launch a joint initiative to support the urbanization and economic integration process of Malian refugees in Niger

UNHCR and ILO to launch a joint initiative to support the urbanization and economic integration process of Malian refugees in Niger
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UNHCR and ILO to launch a joint initiative to support the urbanization and economic integration process of Malian refugees in Niger

ILO alliance with G5 Sahel
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ILO alliance with G5 Sahel

With a population of over 300 million and a rising trend of urbanization, the Sahel region offers huge opportunities for its populations. At the same time, however, the region is facing an increase in extremism, terrorism and criminality, fueled by endemic poverty, high income inequality, a high rate of youth unemployment and governance deficiencies.

ILO COOP NewsUpdate, Issue No. 4
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ILO COOP NewsUpdate, Issue No. 4

The way forward to advancing cooperatives in Africa: Interviews with African cooperative leaders
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The way forward to advancing cooperatives in Africa: Interviews with African cooperative leaders

In September 2016, three cooperative leaders from the United Republic of Tanzania and Niger participated in a study tour to Japan to get exposed to lessons learned from Japanese cooperative enterprises and share cooperative experiences between the countries.

Outcome 14: Promoting the Right to Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining (Final Evaluation Summary)
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Outcome 14: Promoting the Right to Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining (Final Evaluation Summary)

Project: GLO/14/66/SID - Evaluation Consultant: Sandy Wark