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Informal EPSCO
Promotion of social justice essential for sustainable and equitable recovery, ILO tells EU ministers
Speaking to EU ministers of employment and social affairs, the ILO Director-General underlined the need to put social justice back at the centre of policy-making, using concerted and decisive action.
Finland-ILO Cooperation
Finland has been an ILO Member State since 1920 and is a key partner of the ILO in promoting the Decent Work Agenda. It has ratified 102 Conventions and four Protocols, including all ten Fundamental, all four Governance Conventions and 88 technical Conventions.
Apprenticeships Development for Universal Lifelong Learning and Training (ADULT)
Country-level report: Apprenticeships for adults and older workers in Finland
This report was compiled under the ILO’s research project – Apprenticeship Development for Universal Lifelong Learning and Training (ADULT) – funded by the Government of Flanders. The project aims to explore how apprenticeship systems are being modernised and transformed to promote and enable lifelong learning and decent work for youth, adults, and older workers (both employed and unemployed). The country-level report “Apprenticeships for adults and older workers in Finland” has been produced by the ILO as part of the ADULT project. It provides an overview of the VET system and alignment with the general education system in Finland and highlights elements relating to the development of adult apprenticeships. The report also highlights the policies, guidelines and strategy undertaken by the country for promotion of adult apprenticeships so as to make them attractive for adults, employers and TVET institutes alike.
ILO Director-General discusses bilateral cooperation with the European Commission
During his first official visit to Brussels, the ILO Director-General met the Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, the Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, and the EU Commissioners for Jobs and Social Rights and for International Partnerships. They discussed ongoing work and the priorities ahead.
ILO-EU Relations
ILO and European Commission reaffirm mutual partnership at 16th High Level meeting
Conclusions of the 16th High-level meeting between the International Labour Organization and the European Commission (2022)
ILO welcomes renewed EU focus on decent work worldwide for a just transition and a sustainable recovery
The European Commission has adopted a Communication on decent work worldwide, which sets out how the EU will act upon the challenges linked to a just green and digital transition and a sustainable recovery from the pandemic.
ILO and Finland sign cooperation agreement on Trade for Decent Work
On Monday 19 July, the International Labour Organization has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland to further support the application of the ILO Fundamental Conventions in EU trading partner countries through improved labour relations and working conditions.
Social Summit in Porto
ILO Director-General addresses EU Social Summit in Porto
Europe must seize its opportunity to increase investment in training, social protection, social dialogue and the jobs of the future, ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, told EU leaders at their Social Summit in Porto, Portugal.
EU and ILO mark anniversary of the Council Recommendation on a European framework for quality and effective apprenticeships
At a high-level conference on quality and effective apprenticeships, organized by the ILO and the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, the ILO Director-General said that the pandemic has severely affected skills and lifelong learning. The effects of the pandemic on apprenticeships and internships stand to last long after the lockdown measures are lifted.
ILO joins informal EPSCO meeting on Priorities for a stronger social Europe
Speaking to the EU Ministers for Employment and Social Policy, the ILO Director-General underlined the need to invest in people, in the institutions of work, and in the jobs of the future. He welcomed the process towards an Action plan to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights, which is of strategic importance for the recovery.
EU and ILO reinforce cooperation for just recovery from crisis and promote decent work
The International Labour Organization and the European Union have reinforced their cooperation to shape the future of work and promote decent work. This will help the EU and the ILO in their responses to the devastating impact of the coronavirus crisis on the world of work.
Global Compact on Migration
UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
Africa-EU Partnership
Pandemic reveals gaps in social protection systems
Conclusions of the 15th High-level meeting between the European Commission and the International Labour Organization (2020)
ILO-EU Relations
ILO and European Commission reaffirm mutual partnership at 15th High Level meeting
European Commission – ILO Development Cooperation Overview
The impact of minimum wage and collective bargaining on inequality
The ILO participated in a conference on strengthening fairness and solidarity in the EU social market economy, organized by the European Commission.
The EU-ILO partnership for development cooperation
The EU and the ILO have a longstanding partnership based on a shared vision to achieve social justice and decent work for all. Their collaboration is rooted in the promotion of international labour standards and cooperation with governments as well as workers' and employers' organizations. Learn more about this strategic partnership.
Convention 190
More action needed to end violence and harassment in the world of work
The ILO calls on all countries to ratify ILO Convention 190 to end violence and harassment in the world of work once and for all.