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Women in Sports in Jordan - Goal for Life: Upskilling Fitness Trainers and Personal Trainers
a designed publication cover with a picture of veiled women running

Women in Sports in Jordan - Goal for Life: Upskilling Fitness Trainers and Personal Trainers

"Goal for Life": A vocational and skills milestone for young women in the Jordanian sports sector
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"Goal for Life": A vocational and skills milestone for young women in the Jordanian sports sector

The initiative focuses on equipping women in Jordan with skills to work in the fitness sector and countering gender stereotypes.

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Arab States Seminar
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Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Arab States Seminar

The Employment-Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) held a successful regional workshop in Jordan from 27 to 29 February 2024. The workshop brought together participants from Jordan, Iraq, Syria, the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Yemen, and Lebanon, along with technical specialists from the International Labour Organization (ILO) regional office and Geneva. Through engaging discussions and interactive sessions, participants explored various approaches to employment-intensive interventions and their impact on sustainable development in the Arab States region.

Skills fair highlights the importance of modernizing and transforming apprenticeship-based vocational training
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Skills fair highlights the importance of modernizing and transforming apprenticeship-based vocational training

A Jordanian delegation led by the ILO in Jordan participated in the Skills Fair on Quality Apprenticeships in Turin, Italy, to strengthen capacities to meet the evolving challenges of the contemporary world of work.

Norwegian Ambassador visits Jordanian NGO to witness the positive impact of Estidama++ program on workers and employers
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Norwegian Ambassador visits Jordanian NGO to witness the positive impact of Estidama++ program on workers and employers

Estidama++ supports SMEs in Jordan to strengthen access to social protection rights

Photo essay: Woman-led cooperative in Jordan expands business and drives local change through cooperative alliances
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Our impact, their voices

Photo essay: Woman-led cooperative in Jordan expands business and drives local change through cooperative alliances

On International Women's Day, we celebrate the endeavours of Jordan’s Fatima Al-Zahraa Cooperative Society with an in-depth interview featuring its president, Ghada Al-Qudah, and a photo gallery showcasing their activities. Tune in for their inspiring story!

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development
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EIIP regional workshop

Employment Intensive Investment Programme workshop highlights success stories and future roadmap for sustainable development

National and International Efforts Gather to Support Early Childhood in Jordan
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National and International Efforts Gather to Support Early Childhood in Jordan

Youths across Jordan gain new skills through work-based learning
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Youths across Jordan gain new skills through work-based learning

Hundreds of Jordanian and Syrian youths celebrated the completion of their training programmes, provided by the ILO and Jordan River Foundation, as they prepare to enter the world of work with increased practical and technical skills.

ILO-trained outreach officials boost social security registration among wage workers in Jordan
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ILO-trained outreach officials boost social security registration among wage workers in Jordan

The capacity-building initiative supports the extension of social security rights of Jordanian and non-Jordanian workers–including refugees

ILO and Jordan’s Vocational Training Corporation agree to recognize the prior experience of 1,000 beneficiaries
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ILO and Jordan’s Vocational Training Corporation agree to recognize the prior experience of 1,000 beneficiaries

The program aims to issue accredited certificates for Jordanian and Syrian informal workers in various economic sectors in Jordan.

EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region
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EU and ILO to improve the employability of Youth NEETs in the MENA region

A new action funded by the European Union will enable the ILO to improve the employability of young people not in employment, education or training across the Middle East and North Africa for their successful integration in labour markets.

Conducive environment for private sector development in forced displacement contexts
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Conducive environment for private sector development in forced displacement contexts

Access to finance in the context of displacement
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Access to finance in the context of displacement

Private sector views on engagement in forced displacement contexts
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Private sector views on engagement in forced displacement contexts

Learning memos: Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts
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Learning memos: Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts

The learning memos capture key discussions and takeaways from the technical knowledge-sharing event on engaging and developing the private sector in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus organized by ILO PROSPECTS.

Entrepreneur perspectives: What does it take for forcibly displaced entrepreneurs to succeed?
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Entrepreneur perspectives: What does it take for forcibly displaced entrepreneurs to succeed?

Forging win-win situations: Market and intervention strategies of engagement
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Forging win-win situations: Market and intervention strategies of engagement

ILO SCORE makes strides in Jordan's agri-food sector
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SCORE Training

ILO SCORE makes strides in Jordan's agri-food sector

Under ILO PROSPECTS in Jordan, ILO SCORE Training has been piloted across small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the country's agri-food sector. This video highlights the changes that SCORE has brought about in one of its beneficiary SMEs. Through classroom training and on-site consulting sessions, working conditions have improved across the factory floor, productivity has increased, and energy efficiency has improved.

ILO SCORE programme makes strides in Jordan's agri-food sector
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ILO SCORE programme makes strides in Jordan's agri-food sector

Under the ILO PROSPECTS in Jordan, the ILO Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Programme has been piloted across small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the country's agri-food sector.