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Terms of References for External Collaborator in Uganda - Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
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Terms of References for External Collaborator in Uganda - Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

Uganda Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) Capacity Building Workshop Drives Effective Implementation
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Uganda Labour Migration Information System (LMIS) Capacity Building Workshop Drives Effective Implementation

The workshop aimed to enhance the capacity of government officials and collaborating institutions in effectively implementing the Labour Migration Information System (LMIS).

Ending Child Labour in Supply Chains project study visit in Uganda
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Ending Child Labour in Supply Chains project study visit in Uganda

Interaction on child labour in Uganda’s coffee supply chain with smallholder coffee farmers and commercial coffee enterprises.

Call for expression of interest for a needs assessment in Uganda
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Call for expressions of interest

Call for expression of interest for a needs assessment in Uganda

Return and reintegration in Uganda: Lessons from the FAIRWAY programme
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ILO Brief

Return and reintegration in Uganda: Lessons from the FAIRWAY programme

Collaborative Pathways for Labour Migration Governance in East and Horn of Africa
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Collaborative Pathways for Labour Migration Governance in East and Horn of Africa

"Strengthening the Common Approach on BLMA and Skills Development Among Labour Migration Advisory Group (LMAG) in East and Horn of Africa."

Social Partners from 39 African Countries Gather to Chart Course for the Future of Work in the continent
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Social Partners from 39 African Countries Gather to Chart Course for the Future of Work in the continent

The International Labour Organization took part in the event in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on promotion of social dialogue on employment.

Work Wise Youth: ILO’s new guide to create awareness on youth rights at work
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Meaningful youth engagement

Work Wise Youth: ILO’s new guide to create awareness on youth rights at work

The ILO developed and launched a new guide to support young people, including the ones in forced displacement contexts, to understand their labour rights, in turn empowering them to advocate for fair and dignified working conditions.

Tea-Triangular: Kenya, Malawi and Uganda tripartite stakeholders and tea supply chain representatives share knowledge to combat child labour in the tea supply chain.
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Tea-Triangular: Kenya, Malawi and Uganda tripartite stakeholders and tea supply chain representatives share knowledge to combat child labour in the tea supply chain.

Key stakeholders from Kenya, Malawi, and Uganda have joined forces to address the critical issue of child labour within the tea industry.

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Tanzania
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Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Tanzania

The assessment provided information on the national data needs, the type of data currently collected by the different institutions, their data collection, management, and dissemination practices, as well as the prospects for improving data sharing in future.

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Uganda

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Uganda

The assessment provided information on the national data needs, the type of data currently collected by the different institutions, their data collection, management, and dissemination practices, as well as the prospects for improving data sharing in future. The study further identified challenges in the production of statistics on international labour migration and proposes remedies to the identified challenges.

MRC Implementation Agreement Signing and Motorbike's Handover Ceremony
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MRC Implementation Agreement Signing and Motorbike's Handover Ceremony

The ILO, through the BRMM programme, is collaborating with the Government of South Sudan to establish the first MRC in Juba, aiming to provide accurate information and timely support to potential migrants, returnees, and their families, fostering informed decision-making.

Shaping Narratives, Changing Lives: The Role of Media in Labour Migration
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Shaping Narratives, Changing Lives: The Role of Media in Labour Migration

The BRMM programme is organising a capacity building workshop dedicated to raising awareness on labour migration dynamics among local and international media outlets, as well as to emphasise the importance of providing adequate coverage on labour migration issues, in recognition of International Migrants Day, December 18.

Forging win-win situations: Market and intervention strategies of engagement
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Forging win-win situations: Market and intervention strategies of engagement

Conducive environment for private sector development in forced displacement contexts
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Conducive environment for private sector development in forced displacement contexts

Access to finance in the context of displacement
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Access to finance in the context of displacement

Private sector views on engagement in forced displacement contexts
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Private sector views on engagement in forced displacement contexts

Learning memos: Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts
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Learning memos: Inclusive private sector development in forced displacement contexts

The learning memos capture key discussions and takeaways from the technical knowledge-sharing event on engaging and developing the private sector in the humanitarian-development-peace nexus organized by ILO PROSPECTS.

Entrepreneur perspectives: What does it take for forcibly displaced entrepreneurs to succeed?
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Entrepreneur perspectives: What does it take for forcibly displaced entrepreneurs to succeed?

Advancing Labour Migration Governance and Protecting Workers' Rights in Africa
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Advancing Labour Migration Governance and Protecting Workers' Rights in Africa

Contributing to improved labour migration governance and the protection of migrant workers' rights through enhanced social dialogue, trade union cooperation, and advocacy