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A bitter harvest: Child labour prevalence on tobacco farms
According to 2020 ILO/UNICEF Global Estimates, half of the over 160 million children in child labour are in sub-Saharan Africa, with 70 per cent of them in agriculture. In Zimbabwe, a week before a 2019 Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare child labour survey in the tobacco sector, noted that 26.3% of the children aged 5 – 15 years were involved in tobacco activities. To understand better the phenomenon, stakeholders held a week-long variety of activities recently to understand the problem in the country, share knowledge and maximise on expertise to avoid duplication of effort. It culminated into a one-day meeting to discuss the way forward.
Child labour perspectives ECLT Board
Briefing - ECLT Work in Zimbabwe 28th Feb
Request For Quotation
RFQ 04/2024-SEDWAY: Siting, Drilling and Equipping a Solar Powered Borehole at Chesvingo Safe Market in Masvingo
The ILO invites interested service providers to submit quotations proposals for siting, drilling, and equipping a solar powered borehole at Chesvingo Safe Market Centre in Masvingo.
Siting, Drilling and Equipping a Solar Powered Borehole at Chesvingo Safe Market in Masvingo - Terms Of Reference
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services - SEDWAY RFQ 04/2024
RFQ 04/2024 SEDWAY/Siting, Drilling and Equipping a Solar Powered Borehole at Chesvingo Safe Market in Masvingo
Siting, Drilling and Equipping a Solar Powered Borehole at Chesvingo Safe Market in Masvingo - Borehole Design
Baseline survey on the state of informality in the cultural and creative sectors in Zimbabwe
The study was conducted through a partnership between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), under the latter’s “Regional Creatives for Development” initiative intended to promote artistic freedom and foster decent work in the cultural and creative sectors. The study was motivated by a determination to close the gaps in the patchy evidence relating to the level of informality in the cultural and creative sectors in Zimbabwe. It explores the elements of decent work that are prevalent in the informal economy, namely labour rights; employment opportunities; social security and social dialogue; adequate earnings and productive work; working time, safety and health; and equal opportunity and treatment in employment. In addition, the study broadly categorizes the drivers of informality: the macroeconomic context, the regulatory framework, public institutions and enforcement mechanisms, micro-level determinants and attractiveness to informality. Finally it offers recommendations for relevant stakeholders in the culture and creative economy in the country to build a more resilient sector and transition towards formality.
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services - RFQ 03/2024 SEDWAY
RFQ 03/2024 SEDWAY Track and document the impact of the SEDWAY Programme through various multimedia channels
Annex I - Track and document the impact of the SEDWAY programme through various multimedia channels - Terms of Reference
Request For Quotation
RFQ 03/2024/Track and document the impact of the SEDWAY Programme through various multi-media channels
The ILO invites interested service providers to submit technical and financial proposals for the tracking and documenting the impact of the SEDWAY Programme through various multi-media channels.
Request For Quotation
RRFQ 01/2024/Design and develop engineering and architectural drawings and construction supervision of a basic small-scale milking parlour at Umguza Dairy Hub
The ILO invites interested service providers to submit technical and financial proposals for the Design and develop engineering and architectural drawings and provide construction supervision services for a basic milking parlour at Umguza Dairy Hub
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services - SEDWAY RFQ 01/2024
RFQ 01/2024/Design engineering and architectural drawings and construction supervision for a basic small-scale milking parlour at Umguza Dairy Hub
Design of Architectural Drawings and Construction Supervision for a Basic Small-Scale Milking Parlour at Umguza Dairy Hub - Terms Of Reference
Persons with disabilities in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions and the workplace: A situational analysis
Since 2021, the ILO and UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa has been implementing a joint project aimed at ‘reasonable accommodation' for persons with disabilities in TVET institutions and workplaces. Among several interventions, a situational analysis was conducted in Zimbabwe to assess the extent of marginalization and discrimination of persons with disabilities in these two spaces.
ILO and AFDB target small-scale dairy farmers in Umguza
The Umguza Dairy Hub, when fully operational, holds the potential of transforming the lives and livelihoods of the targeted young people. It will give them new hope and new purpose for their community and for the future.
Request For Quotation
ILO/Harare/RFQ BG4YE 01/2024/Call for A Consultant - Training of Trainers to Business Development Services Providers (BDS) and Supporting the Training of Entrepreneurs of the Start and Improve Your Business Training Model
The ILO invites interested consultants to submit technical and financial proposals for facilitating the Training of Trainers to Business Development Services Providers (BDS) and Supporting the Training of Entrepreneurs of the Start and Improve Your Business Training Model. The submission should include a technical and financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of consultancy fees and related expenses. The proposal submissions should reach the ILO no later than 12 February 2024.
Delivery of a Training of Trainers to Business Development Services Providers (BDS) and Supporting the Training of Entrepreneurs of the Start and Improve Your Business Training Model - Terms Of Reference
Request for Quotation for the Procurement of Services - BG4YE 01/2024
Delivery of a Training of Trainers to Business Development Services Providers and Supporting the Training of Entrepreneurs of the Start and Improve Yout Business Training Model
Understanding informality and child labour in sub-Saharan Africa
This study examines the interrelationship of child labour and informality in 22 sub-Saharan countries.
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