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Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
Cover of the Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific

This report highlights why the multi-faceted dimensions of informality demand an integrated approach to formalization, outlines the nature of an integrated approach to employment formalization, reviews the extent that countries in Asia and the Pacific are applying integrated approaches to formalization, and provides examples and an action-oriented outline for advancing integrated approaches to formalization in the region.

The care economy and decent work in Sri Lanka: Opportunities, challenges and future trends
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The care economy and decent work in Sri Lanka: Opportunities, challenges and future trends

The gender pay gap in Sri Lanka: A statistical review with policy implications
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The gender pay gap in Sri Lanka: A statistical review with policy implications

Shifting gears – Sri Lanka’s women crane operators
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Work based learning

Shifting gears – Sri Lanka’s women crane operators

Upeksha, Nimasha, Ruchini, and Nethmi are among the handful of women transfer crane operators in Sri Lanka's Colombo port. They are participants of ILO supported work-based training programme that's empowering women break stereotypes and take up careers in the largely male dominated maritime industry.

Your burning questions on entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka answered by experts
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Your burning questions on entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka answered by experts

Being an aspiring youth entrepreneur can be daunting! Randhula de Silva - Founder and CEO of GoodLife X, and Dr Nirmal De Silva - Entrepreneur, Strategy Consultant and Associate Professor in Business, break down the A, B, Cs of starting your own business, and succeeding as a youth entrepreneur in Sri Lanka.

5 booming industries for entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka
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5 booming industries for entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka

Capitalising on the right opportunity and the right time is key to succeeding as an entrepreneur. For youth looking to run their own business, here's a quick snapshot of 5 industries in Sri Lanka that have immense growth potential.

New Director for ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and the Maldives appointed
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New Director for ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and the Maldives appointed

Ms Joni Simpson assumes duties on 15 January 2024.

Research study on effectiveness of implementation of sub policy and National Action Plan on Return and Reintegration - 2015
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Research study on effectiveness of implementation of sub policy and National Action Plan on Return and Reintegration - 2015

This research study by the ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and Maldives commissioned at the request of the Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment of Sri Lanka, focuses on the experience of Migrant Workers and their families through their return and reintegration journey back to Sri Lanka. It includes the experiences of migrant worker returnees during the COVID 19 pandemic, a time fought with many challenges in servicing returnees for both government and civil society organisations.

Unlocking new horizons – Enhancing skills of Sri Lankan migrant workers
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Skills for migrant workers

Unlocking new horizons – Enhancing skills of Sri Lankan migrant workers

For many Sri Lankan returnee and aspirant migrant workers acquiring new skills create new possibilities for stable, and better paying decent work opportunities. ILO supported training programme focused on the care sector is opening a world of opportunities for secure employment and safe migration pathways.

Sri Lanka takes positive steps towards Ratification of ILO C188 – Work in Fishing Convention, 2007; Draft regulations presented to Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Labour
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Sri Lanka takes positive steps towards Ratification of ILO C188 – Work in Fishing Convention, 2007; Draft regulations presented to Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Labour

Developed with technical support from the ILO, and funding from DFAT and Government of Norway

Launch of national policy on migration for employment
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News update

Launch of national policy on migration for employment

Impact of multiple crises on Sri Lanka’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
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Labour market

Impact of multiple crises on Sri Lanka’s micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

This study set out to inform the labour market disruptions caused by the multiple crises do provide for an unprecedented opportunity for the Sri Lankan labour market to reset with a MSME business recovery model at centre stage.

ILO launches a ground-breaking report on the impact of multiple crises on Sri Lanka's MSMEs
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Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

ILO launches a ground-breaking report on the impact of multiple crises on Sri Lanka's MSMEs

ILO's comprehensive and timely report sheds light on the challenges faced by Sri Lanka's micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The report is based on extensive analysis, including surveys of over 550 MSMEs across 10 districts.

Breaking barriers to bring pride to her country
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ILO in action

Breaking barriers to bring pride to her country

In Sri Lanka, Upeksha Madushani Maduthilaka is receiving on the job training in the Colombo Port as a transfer crane operator, a traditionally male dominated job. Thanks to the National Union of Sea Farers and with the support of the ILO and the Government of Japan, she aspires to become one of the best crane operators in South Asia and in doing so, bring pride to her country.

Brewing change - promoting safe work in Sri Lanka's tea plantations
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Occupational Safety and Health

Brewing change - promoting safe work in Sri Lanka's tea plantations

Workers in tea and rubber plantations run a greater risk of occupational injury than those in other sectors. A safe and healthy working environment is the right of every worker, in every job! Here's how ILO Sri Lanka is promoting safe work for all in tea plantations.

ILO, European Commission and the Global Deal join hands to improve social dialogue for constructive labour relations
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ILO, European Commission and the Global Deal join hands to improve social dialogue for constructive labour relations

“As an entrepreneur, giving up is not an option”
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“As an entrepreneur, giving up is not an option”

Spotlighting young entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka, meet Chamara and Nuzhi, founders of RouteSONAR, an app that helps with smart route planning for efficient and sustainable last-mile deliveries. With reduced fuel cost and time on the road, route optimization also means lower carbon emissions, making it a win-win for businesses and the environment.

“It took me 19 years to discover my passion”
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Our impact, their stories

“It took me 19 years to discover my passion”

Meet Yathusha Kulenthiran, Founder and Managing Director of Olai; a company that produces palmyrah based products. Starting the business when she was 19-years old, today Yathusha employs over 60 women from the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.

"We need to rethink tourism so the earth can heal"
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World Tourism Day

"We need to rethink tourism so the earth can heal"

Hear Chalana Perera, who advises clients on ‘regenerative tourism’ – which moves away from exploitative tourism practices, while improving the environment and communities.

High-level Sri Lankan delegation visits Indonesia to study social security system
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High-level Sri Lankan delegation visits Indonesia to study social security system

Facilitated by the International Labour Organization Sri Lanka, with funding support from the Government of Japan