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Norway ratifies the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment
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International Labour Standards

Norway ratifies the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment

Norway becomes the 33rd country in the world to ratify Convention No. 190.

Norway-ILO Cooperation: Factsheet, May 2023
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Norway-ILO Cooperation: Factsheet, May 2023

Norway’s development policy is designed to promote economic development, democratization, implementation of human rights, good governance and measures that can lift people out of poverty.

Norway ratifies the Domestic Workers Convention
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Domestic Workers

Norway ratifies the Domestic Workers Convention

Norway becomes the 33rd ILO member State to ratify this Convention

ILO and the Government of Norway sign a new partnership agreement on skills development and lifelong learning for the Future of Work
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ILO Partnership

ILO and the Government of Norway sign a new partnership agreement on skills development and lifelong learning for the Future of Work

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Global Compact on Migration

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Partnerships between Public Employment Services and Employer and Business Membership Organizations save jobs and help enterprises remain sustainable
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Partnerships between Public Employment Services and Employer and Business Membership Organizations save jobs and help enterprises remain sustainable

On 7 October 2020, ILO Moscow conducted the second of five training webinars devoted to the PES Role in Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis and the Future of Work. PES representatives and practitioners from the Commonwealth of Independent States, international experts and ILO officials discussed and exchanged good practices on how PES are adapting their communication and programmes with enterprises to better respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

Executive Summary - A qualitative study on stigma and discrimination experienced by indigenous peoples living with HIV or having TB at work
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Executive Summary - A qualitative study on stigma and discrimination experienced by indigenous peoples living with HIV or having TB at work

Indigenous peoples living with HIV or having TB face double discrimination. Being an LGBT indigenous person adds another layer to this. Barriers to accessing health services, denial of the right to work and discrimination in employment settings are highlighted in a new ILO study undertaken by the Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network, the secretariat of the International Indigenous HIV & AIDS Working Group. Read more…

Getting and staying together: 100 years of social dialogue and tripartism in Norway
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Getting and staying together: 100 years of social dialogue and tripartism in Norway

This report examines the role of tripartism and social dialogue in Norway. It addresses the emergence of tripartite cooperation and the institutions facilitating such cooperation, the outcomes of tripartism and how tripartite cooperation can help Norway face the challenges of the changing world of work.

Measuring Curricula Mismatch for Food Processing and Tourism Sectors in Belize
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Measuring Curricula Mismatch for Food Processing and Tourism Sectors in Belize

A look at the degree to which labour demands are met by educational institutions

Advancing Alliance 8.7 in Europe and Central Asia
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Alliance 8.7

Advancing Alliance 8.7 in Europe and Central Asia

ILO and OSCE host Europe and Central Asia regional meeting on achieving Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7 of eradicating child labour by 2025 and forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking by 2030.

Engaging employers in apprenticeship opportunities
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Engaging employers in apprenticeship opportunities

This joint OECD-ILO report examines best practices in employer engagement in apprenticeship programmes at the local level across nine countries.

Budapest hosts Europe and Central Asia Regional Consultation Workshop on achieving the SDG Target 8.7 with regard to Child and Forced Labour
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Budapest hosts Europe and Central Asia Regional Consultation Workshop on achieving the SDG Target 8.7 with regard to Child and Forced Labour

Norway-ILO Programme Cooperation Agreement 2016-17
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Norway-ILO Programme Cooperation Agreement 2016-17

Annual Report for 2016

Norway and ILO sign new Partnership Cooperation Agreement for 2012-15
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Norway and ILO sign new Partnership Cooperation Agreement for 2012-15

Procedures for consultations with indigenous peoples - Experiences from Norway
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Procedures for consultations with indigenous peoples - Experiences from Norway

The ILO is seeking to document experiences regarding consultation with and participation of indigenous and tribal peoples for consideration by interested governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as organizations of indigenous peoples. The present study looks at Norway, which was the first country to ratify Convention No. 169 in 1990.

Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review
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Social Protection for Children

Child Benefits in Central and Eastern Europe - A comparative review

The purpose of this report is to review the social protection policy for children in Central and Eastern European countries. In particular, the analysis of this report focuses on cash child benefits (family allowances) and their impact on child poverty.

ILO Technical Notes - The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights
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ILO Technical Notes - The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights

ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by NORWAY
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ILO Technical Note

ILO Technical Note: The state of application of the provisions for social security of the international treaties on social rights ratified by NORWAY

Corporate Social Responsibility in International Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for States, Business and Workers
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ILO Research paper No. 13

Corporate Social Responsibility in International Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for States, Business and Workers

This paper assesses the reference to CSR commitments in trade and investment agreements and finds that CSR language is relatively weak in terms of obligation, precision and delegation. Emphasising the potential to use the mechanisms that are provided in these agreements to activate and follow-up CSR commitments, it looks at what the implications could be for states, business and workers, and the potential ILO involvement.

Leif Sande on risks facing oil & gas workers in the arctic
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Leif Sande on risks facing oil & gas workers in the arctic

Mr Lief SANDE of the Norwegian union Industri Energi (IE) talks to the ILO on the occasion of the ILO tripartite meeting on Occupational Safety and Health in the oil and gas industry in polar and subarctic climate zones from 26 to 29th January 2016.